Chapter 33

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"Mal, you were right.  You knew we weren't meant to be with each other, that's why you never told me you loved me," Ben said, snapping Varian out of his thoughts.

The music started playing and Ben began to dance with Uma.  Ruby just gaped at the entire scene in utter shock like the rest of crowd.  Varian noticed that Evie was taking Mal away.  He finally moved into action.  He knew he said he wasn't going to them again and he may not be friends exactly with Mal, but this was partially his fault.  That and no one should be stuck believing the love of their life just broke up with them in the most horrible way possible.  She needed to know it wasn't Ben.

"Mal, wait!" He whispered as he suddenly grabbed her wrist, not caring that some people were staring at him because he just ran across the dancefloor.  "This isn't Ben!"

"What are you saying?"  Mal's voice cracked.

"Hurry, they need to see the glass!"  Jane exclaimed.

The man pushed a button, letting the curtain fall from the picture.  It showed Ben down on one knee and Mal with her purple hair and the greenest eyes possible.  Varian had to admit it was sweet, but there wasn't time to think that over at the moment.

"That's me..." Mal whispered.

"He loves you, Mal...  the real you," Evie added.

"But that's not Ben!"  Varian added.

"What does that mean?"

"Ben's been spelled," Mal said in realization.  "Uma mist have found my spell book.  I should have seen it..."

"Well now you know, go break the spell!"  Varian whispered.

"How, I don't know have my book with me, I don't remember the-"

"You love him, right?  He loves you.  I'm no expert in love or magic, but doesn't true love conquer this?"  Varian wanted to scream at her for being so slow, but she was still under shock.

"I'm having Uma join me in court as my lady, and I'm bringing down the barrier."

"What?"  Fairy Godmother tightened her grip on her wand.

Beast looked at Ben.  "Son-"

"Not now, Dad!"  Ben screamed.  Beast backed away.  "Release the barrier."

"No." FG refused.

"He is your king.  Obey him!"  Uma demanded.

"Yeah, that's not Ben," Evie agreed.

Mal's eyes glistened with determination as she walked down the stairs to Ben.  "Ben.  Look at me."

"No, look at me," Uma said.  "You love me, remember?"

"No you don't," Mal shook her head.  "Ben, look at me."

"Bring down the barrier now!"  Uma shouted at Fairy Godmother.

"I do not take orders from you!"  Fairy Godmother frowned.

"Ben, I never told you that I loved you because I thought that I wasn't good enough and I thought it was only a matter of time before you realized that yourself, but, Ben, that's me!"  Mal pointed to the picture.  "I'm part Isle and part Aurodon."

"Ben, look at me," Uma stressed.

"And, Ben, you've always known who we can and can't be," Mal continued.

"Don't listen to her," Uma cut in.

"Ben, I know what love feels like now.  I love you.  Ben, I've always loved you," Mal said as she brought him closer and kissed him on the lips.

A small smile came across Ben's face as backed off a little.  "Mal?"

"Ugh!  Give it to me!"  Uma went to grab the wand.

"No!" Varian jumped in Uma's way.  He didn't know why he did it, but he did it, but he just reacted.

Anger flashed across her eyes as she shoved him.  His head slammed on the stairs with a sickening thud.  Others were jumping in to tackle her so she ran to edge of the boat.

"Uma!  No!"  Varian gasped when he noticed someone grab her arm, but she shook it off.

"Stop, stop, stop!"  Mal held her hands up, making the crowd stop attacking Uma.

Carlos helped Varian up.  He groaned and placed a hand on his head as it throbbed.  "Are you ok?"  Carlos asked worriedly.

"Uma isn't hurt?"  Varian asked.

"No, she's ok..."  Carlos whispered, looking a little relieved.

"Uma, I know you are so much more than just a villain.  And I know because I've been there.  Don't let your pride get in the way of something you really want," Mal began.

Uma's necklace began to glow.  A glint of determination passed her eyes as she suddenly turned and dove into the water.

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