Chapter 13

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Note:  the chapter after this will begin the second movie.  It took a little longer than I thought to get there, but longer is always good.  It means the story lasts longer.  Well, here we go.


"What's that?" Varian inquired as they through the food line.

"Oh!  That's pizza!"  Jay exclaimed and put it on the boy's plate.  "You should try it."

Carlos looked at the girl serving the food.  Apparently the students could volunteer to work at the cafeteria for extra cash or special privileges.  "Not in contact with peanuts, right?"

The girl smiled.  "Peanut free.  The cafeteria has always been peanut free.  You can go to the shop if you have a craving for nuts.  That way the food is safe for all the students.  Varian's not the only one here with not allergies."

"You have a lot of... hair?"  Varian couldn't help but point out.  It was put into multiple ties and then wrapped in plastic.

She laughed.  "I'm Ruby.  Rapunzel and Eugene's daughter.  Thought I'd take after my mom's hair style.  That and like seeing people's reactions.  Otherwise, I might have chopped it off long ago."

"Huh, how can it be that long though?  The average length hair can grow a month is half an inch and for your hair to be that long-how long is it?"

"I'm sixteen and it's about 62 feet."

"That means your hair has to grow about four feet a year, which is about four inches a month.  Without magic?  And how on earth is your hair not killing itself because that has to be over fifty pounds of hair, putting your hair under constant strain-"

"Uh..."  Ruby blinked, looking absolutely lost.  Then she giggled.  "I do have help from Merlin who gives me a special shampoo.  I'm not typically asked those questions.  How do you keep your hair brushed and dry is the usual."

"Oh, so magic is involved?"

"I guess?  I never thought about anything you just said.  I guess I'm just used to lugging around sixty feet of hair."

"Bet you have a strong neck," Jay commented.

"Excuse me, can you move the line?"  The student behind them asked.

"Oh, sorry," Carlos answered and dragged the other two through the rest of the line to grab their drinks.

Ruby looked after them and Varian spared her another glance.  She gave him a gentle smile and a wave.  He turned away, realizing that he had began to blush.

"Jay, who are you taking to the dance?" Carlos inquired.

"No one," Jay shrugged.

"Why?"  Carlos raised a brow.  "You certainly don't have a lack of choices."

"I'm not taking any of them so that I can dance with all of them," Jay remarked.

"Oh-ho.  Smart!"  Carlos laughed.

"What?  Have your heart set on someone?"

Carlos's face flushed a bright red.  "N-no... well... maybe... but... agh!  I don't know..."

"Relax, im.just kidding," Jay chuckled.  "How about you, V?  Got a girl for you?"

Varian wasn't listening.  He didn't realize that he was lost in another world as he stared at Ruby's golden hair.  He only blinked back into reality when Jay waved a hand in front of his face and whistled.  "Hello, Aurodon to Varian."

"Huh? What?"

Jay burst into laughter.  "You got your eyes pasted to Rapunzel's daughter?"

"What?  No!  I... I was just fascinated by how long her hair is..."

"Oh, just that?"  Jay teased.

"Jay!  Shut up!"  Carlos scolded, making Jay laugh harder and Varian blush a cherry red.  He buried his face in his hands, trying to escape the humiliation.

"Sorry," Jay said at last.

Varian groaned and rolled his eyes, taking a bite of his pizza.  He looked down at it.  "What is this again?"


"It's... good..."

"I thought you'd like it," Jay said.

"Well, for once, you thought right."

Note:  ok, I know this is a shorter chapter.  Sorry.  I can't believe it but the hardest person to write in this entire story is Carlos!  He was supposed to be the Mc, but I had so much trouble writing him, I went with Varian being the Mc.  I find Varian easier to write bc his personality changes a little throughout the series.  He can play the naive, talkative kid, the revengeful and angry bad guy and so forth.

Anyways.  I hope you've enjoyed the story so far.

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