Chapter 25

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"We can't let Uma get the wand, she'll destroy Aurodon," Evie pointed out.

"But if we don't give her the wand then we risk Ben's life," Jay counterd.

"Great. We're gonna give Uma, of all people the wand," Evie groaned. Her, Jay and Carlos began to talk over each other.

"Wait, you guys!" Mal spoke up. "We just need a copy of the wand."

"Carlos, your 3D printer," Varian sat up.

"Yeah, in my sleep!" Excitment entered the boy's face at the idea.

"Perfect. Jay, you'll go with Carlos," Mal said.

"But she'll figure out it's fake when she gets the wand," Evie pointed out.

"Ok, then we need a deversion," Mal said.

"Like a big flash of light?" Ruby tried.

"Smoke bombs?" Jay asked.

"Smoke bombs will be easier," Mal nodded. "Me and Evie will handle those."

"I can make a solution to take down the pirates without putting any of them in harm. I know where to get the supplies," Varian said.

"V, we can't break into the Aurodon prep supplies," Carlos said.

"Who said anything about Aurodon?" Varian raised a brow.

"I'll go with Varian then," Ruby volunteered.

"Shouldn't she be the one to go back to Auradon?" Varian asked.

"It's better to have a partner and Jay can drive. Carlos and Ruby can't yet."

Varian shrugged, though he wasn't certain that it was the best idea to have Ruby come with him. Not where he was going, but he didn't want to draw any more attention to the matter.

"Alright, we have the game plan. And you guys, losing, not an option. 'Cause we're rotten..."

"To the core." Evie, Jay and Carlos finished. Another reminder to Varian that he wasn't actually one of them.


"So, where are we going?" Ruby inquired as they walked through the dark streets.

"Ok, so first I have to pick up a friend so I can actually get into the place where I can get the supplies for my alchemical solution," Varian explained.

"Which is..." Ruby pressed, her hands behind her back.

Varian suddenly set his back against a large door. "Don't freak out over anything, alright. Don't say anything and just leave to conversation to me. Ok?"

"Sure?" Ruby answered.

"Good." Varian turned the knob and entered the building, Ruby following after him. "It isn't too late, is it?"


Ruby yelped when a figure jumped off a rafter into view. It was an older teen girl with short, curly hair. It was luminous and almost seemed to glow in the darkness.

"Hello, m'lady." Varian gave a dramatic bow and the girl groaned rolled her eyes.

"What is it Varian. I thought you were playing with the prissy princesses of Aurodon. I see you even got a girlfriend. I thought that would keep you off my tail."

"First of all, this girl and I barely know each other. This situation is complicated. Second, I would have told you I was leaving if I knew I was, but it a take or leave moment. There was no chance to say goodbyes."

"Well, why are you bothering me and at this time of night?"

"Please, me and you both know you're a night owl and they you sleep late and stay awake all night. You have four hours until you go to sleep."

"You got me there," Cassandra shrugged.

"So, I came to ask a a favor of you. I need your help. I need to get in and out of the place without being noticed. Especially when I know he's probably lurking near by."


"Oh, come on, Cassie. Please."

"I have other fish to fry than go on some wild goose chase tonight and I'm not in the mood to step into another argument with you and him."

"Look, do you want off this Isle?"


"Then in order for me to convince Aurodon to let you out, I need your help," Varian crossed his arms.

Cassandra groaned. "I hate it when you use what i want against me."


"Fine. I'll do it, but only if you promise that I get off this Isle."

"Promise," Varian smiled. Ruby frowned at the promise, but didn't say anything. Neither of the two noticed her face.

"Then let's get moving."

And renters Cassandra!

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