Chapter 6

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Note: I do not own that video. It's Fostudio's work. I just thought music in the background about not knowing how far Varian will go would be cool. It probably doesn't match the whole thing and all, I just thought it would be cool. Please enjoy!


"I mean, you don't want to pack anything?" Evie clarified.

"What? It's not like I have much clothes to begin with. All I need is this," Varian gave a low whistle and the response he got was a chitter. A raccoon rubbed its head on his ankles and the boy grinned as he picked up his pet. "This is all I need. I'm not risking going back home. I'm not only late already, I'm not supposed to even be out, so there's that."

"Ohhh..." Carlos gave Varian an understanding look.

"So, uh, you don't think anyone is going to kill us for sneaking a Vk over?" Jay asked as they walked briskly towards the car.

"Nah, Ben will back us up," Evie replied. "Hopefully it will just be an easy wrinkle to iron out."

"Maybe we could talk about that as the issue comes," Carlos cut in.

"Is something wrong?" Evie whispered by the urgency of Carlos's voice.

"I have this odd feeling we're being followed," Jay added in a low tone.

Varian stopped walking and the others did too once they noticed. "We're not being followed," he said. "We're being stalked."

"A difference?" Jay inquired.

"Think of it as a hunting ground and we're the prey. Or, more specifically, me." Varian suddenly grabbed Carlos by the wrist making a dash. "Run for it!"

"What? What is-" Jay was cut short by a booming sound. There was a flash of blue as something whizzed by.

"Shoot! I am so in deep trouble!" Varian muttered under his breath as they ran quickly through the streets.

"Why haven't I seen a mad man flying around in rocket boots before in all the years that I lived here?" Carlos cried.

"How is it we lived on an Island, go to the same places, and not know we had a twin or ever meet the other parent?" Varian retorted.

"Excellent point, but who in Aurodon is that!"

"It's more like the Isle, but yeah don't sweat it," Varian ducked into a tunnel and the others followed. "I know you were hoping for better circumstances, but that would be dad."

"Wait, I'm related to a mad man with rocket boots and a crazy woman with stuffed dogs? Unbelievable! How am I sane?"

"Whose to say that you are?" Varian smirked as they stopped at the exit of the tunnel. Carlos flashed him a-haha, very funny-look. Varian's smirk didn't falter. "So, got something to get us out of here? Are Dad will circle back soon and one of the ends to his tunnel ain't gonna be passable."

"Mal is watching the car just down that alley," Carlos pointed.

"Sweet! Let's go then!"

They all dashed at full speed towards the blue limousine. They reached the car to find that Syndrome had found them again. They swung the doors open and all four of them slipped into their seats. Shutting the doors closed, Varian looked at Mal. "This will be the perfect time to make a break for it, princess!"

Mal, knowing that arguing was for another time, immediately made the car burst forward. Varian twisted in his seat so that he was looking out the back window. "Jay! Punch this window out!"


"Trust me!"

Jay shrugged and did as Varian asked. The window shattered. Glass mainly flew out onto the road, but a couple pieces remained in the car. Varian pulled out a slingshot and an odd object. "He cares about this more than anything. If I shoot far enough at the right moment, he'll be too distracted to save this while we are getting out."

Mal was speeding towards the bridge and Jane was rummaging around for the gold button. She found it just in time and pushed the button before they could crash into the barrier. Varian shot the object and it worked. Syndrome recognized it and went backwards to catch it. The barrier closed as his father flew straight into it. Carlos winced. "That happened..."

Varian shrugged as he slumped down in his seat. "I've been waiting for that my entire life. Satisfaction."

"Are you... are you alright?" Carlos asked.

"Well, I jumped into a car with w bunch of strangers, one claims to be long lost brother I never knew about, we're going to Auradon, the place that had me on the Isle in the first place and my crazy dad chased us through the Isle. Just peachy!" Varian said this all in one breath. "Of course, I'm the one that agreed to it," he added. "And-what on earth is that?"

Jay and Carlos looked at where he pointed. The latter smiled. He picked up the piece of candy and handed it to his twin. "I didn't realize Ben kept a stash in his car. Here. It's called a Reece's Cup. My personal favorite."

"You eat it?" Varian blinked.

Carlos nodded. Varian bit off a small piece, testing it. Normally, he'd assume it was poison, but, for some odd reason, his guts told him he could trust it. His large blue eyes suddenly widened and Carlos chuckled while jay smirked. Evie flashed a soft grin as the boy took another bite. "It's the perfect combination of saltiness and sweetness. Whoever created this was pure genius!"

The other four Vks laughed. Jay put his arm around Varian's shoulders, ignoring the boy's disgusted face at the action. "You know, that's almost exactly what Carlos said."

Varian rolled his eyes, pulling the arm away. "Well, it's kinda an obvious observation," he snorted.

"It's just the fact that you made the observation out loud," Evie chuckled.

Chapter 6 has been completed!

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