Chapter 21

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When they parked the limo, the teens began to cover the car. They decided that it probably wouldn't be bothered in that particular area if it was hidden from view.

Ben wandered over to a tunnel. "Hey, what's in there?"

"What is wrong with you? Keep your voice down!" Varian hissed.

The other Vks lead him away from it as Jay said, "You don't want to know."

They put the two Aks next to each other. Ruby and Ben glanced at each other. Evie sighed. "Ok, don't wander off. The last thing we want is word spreading that we're here along with the king and a princess from Corona that's in line for the throne."

"Actually, I'm in line for the Dark Kingdom. My older sibling is in line for Corona," Ruby replied.

"Wait? Your parents rule to kingdoms?" Varian raised a brow. "To be fair, I didn't even realize you were in line. Didn't cross my mind."

"No, my Grandfather on my dad's side still rules the Dark kingdom, but my dad married my mom who was also in mine for a throne. So their oldest child was decided to take Corona and the second to take the Dark kingdom."

"Over all, you're still a future queen, so just stay hush, hush," Evie finished.

"You got it," both of the Aks answered.

"Alright, let's go," Carlos whispered.

The group began to make their way through the alleyways. Ruby placed herself next to Varian. "Soooo, I had Evie make me this leather outfit last month because you Vks seemed to like it..."

"Yeah? How's that working?"

"I like it. At first I wasn't a fan because it was so cold when I put it on," Ruby admitted.

"Yeah, but it does keep you warm in the end?"

"Ironically," Ruby agreed. At that moment, two kids ran by stealing her wallet that was in her pocket.

Out of reflex, Varian grabbed their arms. "Hey! Stop!" The kids froze, not moving in his grip, obviously afraid of what he might do. He looked at them sadly, sighing. He handed the wallet back to Ruby, but her eyes widened when he pulled out his own. "Here, take it."

The kids stared at him for a moment, but they grinned and ran off with their new treasure. He watched after them as they ran off. Turning back to the group, he pushed forward. "Let's get going."

"Where's Ben?" Evie groaned. They jogged down the alley until they caught up to the king. Carlos grabbed his shoulders and directed him away from the boy he was trying to talk to.

"Ok, this isn't working..." Jay rubbed his forehead. "We're going to have to teach him. Look," he held up Ben's wallet. "It's way too easy."

Ben snatched his wallet back, putting it back in his pocket.

"That's going to be hard," Carlos muttered. "Not that it's a bad thing, it's just we really need you to be a Vk for right now," he continued. Ben nodded.

V:Let me tell you something you can really trust

Varian rested his elbow on Ben's shoulder.

Everybody's got a wicked side
C:I know you think that you can never be like us
Watch and learn so you can get it right

Vks:You need to drag your feet
You need to nod your head
You need to lean back
Slip through the cracks
You need to not care
C:Uh, you need to not stare
Vks:You need a whole lot of help
V:(You need to not be yourself)

E:You wanna be cool?
Let me show you how
You don't break the rules
I can show you how
And once you catch this feeling
Vks:And once you catch this feeling
You'll be chillin', chillin', oh
Chillin' like a villain (chillin')
Chillin' like a villain (chillin')
Chillin' like a villain (hey)
Chillin' like a, chillin' like a (hey), villain

E:You're attention when you act like that
V:Let us teach you how to disappear
J:You look like you would lose a fight to an alley cat
C:Gotta be wrong to get it right 'round here

Vks:You need to watch your back
You need to creep around
You need to slide real smooth
Don't make a sound
And if you want it, take it
And if you can't take it, break it
And if you care about your health
V:(Seriously, you need to not be yourself)

E:You wanna be cool?
Let me show you how
You don't break the rules
I can show you how
And once you catch this feeling
Vks:And once you catch this feeling
You'll be chillin', chillin', oh
Chillin' like a villain (chillin')
Chillin' like a villain (chillin')
Chillin' like

B:I really wanna be bad a lot
And I'm giving it my best shot
But it's hard being what I'm not
C:Well if you don't, you're gonna get us caught
V:He's right, we gotta stay low-key
J:Now show us how bad you can be
B:Like this?
E:(yeah, yeah, yeah)
B:Like this?
E:(yeah, yeah)
B:Oh yeah, I think I got this
Let's go, I'm ready to rock this
And I ain't gonna thank you for your help
I think I found the words to myself

All:You wanna be cool?
Let me show you how
You need to break the rules
I can show you how
And once you catch this feeling
And once you catch this feeling
You'll be chillin', chillin', oh
Chillin' like a villain (chillin')
Chillin' like a villain (chillin')
Chillin' like a villain (chillin')
Chillin' like a villain (chillin')
Chillin' like a villain

Note: So the everything that happened in the song was basically the same as the movie, just add Varian next to Carlos. Ruby watches and then kinda joins in, but not entirely until the end of the song.

As for the part with the wallet, I was going to have it Evie's wallet stollen like the movie, but then that scene played across my mind and I needed something like that because of future story.

Anywho, thanks for reading!

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