Chapter 8

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I don't think the driver had a name in the show, so I just called him Jeff.  I thought it fit him from the few seconds that we knew of him.


Jeff (the driver who drove the original four Vks off the Isle) heard a knock.  He clicked the button to lower the blacked out window that he had hired earlier.  He found new Vks comical, but also felt a little sad to realize how little they knew about the world.  They were kids, but kids at Varian's age typically knew what a cheeseburger was.  He glanced over his shoulder, waiting for some sort of question about an object.

"We've driving all over Aurodon and haven't taken a break, at all."

"We'll come to the prep school in fifteen minutes," Jeff answered.  However, the tone in the boy's voice made him ask a question.  "You feeling a bit queasy?"

Varian snorted.  "I have never been in a car until this morning and haven't gotten out in over two hours.  What do you think I'm feeling?"

Jeff took a quick look at the clock.  Suddenly, he pulled off the side of the road and rested the car in the grass.  It wouldn't make the people of Aurodon any less nervous if he brought in a sick Vk.  That and Varian was right.  He had been stuck in a vehicle for hours and probably desperately needed to stretch his legs.  Especially if he wasn't used to cars.

"What are we doing?"  Varian asked.

"To walk around for five minutes," Jeff replied.  He got out of the limo and opened the door for Varian.  The teen just stared at the grass for a moment.  "What?"  Jeff asked.

"Is that real grass?"  Varian whispered.

Jeff's expression faltered for a split second before nodding.  Interest lit up in Varian's eyes as he stepped out of the car.  Slowly, he gently touched the grass, taking the texture.  He found it pokey and scratchy, but soft at the same time.  "Huh, I've only seen it on tv."

After five minutes, they got back in the car and made their way to the school.  Because it was a last minute effort, there were only a few signs that were hastily made and only a few people in the band.  Doug was leading them.  Varian only raised a brow at this, unsure what to make of it.  Jeff opened the door and Varian got out but froze.  All eyes were on him.

He didn't know if it was because of being carsick or all the sudden attention that made his stomach heave.  Back on the Isle, people stared at him, but it wasn't this many at once and it was different.  Here, he knew no one and a lot of them had kind, excited faces.  Others were cruel and had a scowls that could even make some of the weaker villains cringe.  Of course, those were the ones out of camera view.  The thought of a camera was the last straw and he threw up in the grass.  Great first impression.

The music squeaked, coming to a stop.  Ben and Mal, who were coming up to greet him winced.  Concern came across their faces as they walked up to them.  Jeff whispered to Ben that Varian was just motion sick.  The knog let out a sigh of relief that he wasn't seriously ill and knew Varian would feel better soon.

Ben patted Variain's houlder with an apologetic look.  "Not the best first impression, but welcome do Aurodon!  You can call me Ben."

"Would I call you anything else but your name?" Varian muttered under his breath.

"Varian, this is King Ben," Mal whispered.

"Yeah, we're all aware, Mal," he rolled his eyes.  Mal made a face, but she nodded, telling him that she understood the hint of malice.  Though she also made it clear that she didn't like him insulting her boyfriend.

Ben shook it off, obviously expecting an insult.  "Doug will show you to your dorm first...  No luggage?"

"Hang on," Varian held up his finger and pulled out Rüdiger.  "All I have, all I need."

"Uh... a raccoon..."  Ben cleared his throat.  "Well, we'll just make sure he's had his shots."

"His what?"  Varian wrapped his arms protectively around his pet, a glint of fear in the boy's eyes.

"It's medicine you inject with a needle.  It's no big deal," Evie assured as she walked over.  "It's to keep him and other people from getting sick."

"Oh, well in that case, that's fine." Varian's shoulders relaxed.

"Here, I'll show you to your dorm," Doug offered.

Varian followed him.  Once they were alone in the school, Varian squinted his eyes.  "You a nerd?"

The boy scratched the back of his neck.  "That obvious?  I'm Doug, Dopey's son."

"Like the seven short men Dopey?"

"Dwarves, but yeah."

"Ma tall or something?"

"Extremely," Doug confirmed.  "You into science."

"Oh, you could say that..." Varian began carelessly, patting Rüdiger's head.

"Well, this is your dorm.  FG will be here to run over the details with you in a bit." Doug fixed his glasses.

"Thanks," was all Varian said.

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