Chapter 5

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"Thanks for the drink, Uma," Varian flashed her a smile.

"Any time. I owed you a favor anyways," she shrugged.

"Well, we better be on our my dad. I'm more than certain that my dad will be checking on me soon to make sure I'm not touching anything." Varian rolled his eyes.

He typically didn't listen to his father. At least, not since he was younger, and then he had enough of trying to make his father pleased. It was impossible and he got fed up with it. Hence seeking out deliberately defying his orders. They weren't just orders anyways, or that was how Varian saw it.

After the goodbyes that were mainly grunts from a lot of them, the four set out on their own. The four went separate ways, so Varian started to move quickly towards what he supposed people called home. He had been sliding off a roof only to fall straight into someone. "Yeep!"

Immediately, the teen scrambled up, ready for a fight (even if it wasn't physically his strong suit). Varian realized he had two other people with him. He recognized one. "Jay? Surprised to find you here," he huffed as he dusted himself off.

"Oh hey-Oh!" Jay facepalmed his forehead. "Yeah, way to go Jay!"

"What is it?" The boy that Varian had landed on was dusting himself off.

"I should have put it two in two, but, in my defense, he refused to say who he was related to and they never came together," Jay began.

"What are you talking about?" Both Varian and the boy asked in unison.

The girl (Varian recognized as Evie, but never actually spoke to her) flipped her hair. She pressed her lips together, looking both him and the other boy down as if searching for something. Then a small smile played across her lips as it appeared that she had found it.

"What?" the boy pressed.

"Carlos," Evie began. "His name is Varian."

Carlos (Varian began to recognize him from posters and remembered hearing that he hanged out with Evie, Mal, and Jay) gaped. He turned to look at Varian, now looking him up and down. "Are you, by any chance, related to Syndrome?"

"What about it?" Varian crossed his arms.

"Because, I found out I have a twin..." Carlos began.

"And what would I have anything to do with this?"

"I just found out that my biological father is Syndrome and that I have a twin named Varian. My-or our-mother is Cruella De Vil," Carlos explained.

"Do-what?" Varian was taken off guard. "How did you know my mom was Cruella? I was never told I had a twin! I don't believe it!"

"I was never told I even had a father," Carlos retorted. It was one of his insecurities. He didn't know about marriage and how the bonding and having children worked until he was Mal and Evie finally broke it to him. It hadn't been that long after until they went to Aurodon. "They obviously didn't tell us because they didn't want us to find each other."

"Well that worked," Varian spoke sarcastically. "Alright, what's the date of your birth?"

"I... I don't know..." Carlos rubbed his arm. That was another insecurity of his.

Varian deflated a little when he could see that Carlos was being genuine. "Yeah, me neither." For the first time since they met, Varian's voice wasn't holding any malice or rudeness, but pure, genuine feelings. "You know, it isn't so far fetched to have a twin and not be told about it. That's the worse part..."

"I'm Carlos," the boy with white hair held out his hand. They already knew the other's names, but he thought it would be better to restart.

Varian gave him a critical face, but accepted it. "Varian."

"If we found a way to get you to Aurodon, would you want to go?"

"That depends. Do they have tools, parts and chemicals?"

Carlos smirked. "Unlimited, unless they deemed it too dangerous, but it's a wider selection than here and it's new. Not out of the trash."

Varian hated Auradon, but the idea of the chance to actually do his work. He could make the machine to free all of the Isle. Not only that bit he hated the Isle and his father. This was his opportunity to make all the wrongs done to him and his friends right. "Yeah, I would. If you could find a way."

I now have Fanfiction Net account and my story is being posted their if you prefer that. You'll find it under the same name, but I don't think anyone has read any of my stories yet. On either accounts, but that's ok! If you're reading this not then I finally had someone read it, which was the point of posting this. I don't care how many people read it, I just want to share this story. I hoped you enjoyed it. Please comment if you did. More chapters coming soon!

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