Chapter 24

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"Hey, I wanted the fried clams!"

"And I wanted a sea pony.  Life ain't fair!" Uma snapped.

The doors opened.  Uma glanced over after a moment.  There stood the oh so familiar face of her top enemy.  Beside her was Varian who looked determined, but a little guilt seemed to enter his features as he caught sight of her.

"I'm back," Mal dragged out the back.

"Loser, kid, party of one?  Two?"

"I'm not with her," Varian grumbled, walking down before she could.  Mal rolled her eyes.

Uma snorted and pushed a chair over at Mal as she walked over.  Mal caught it and scooted it to the table.  She sat on it backwards, flipping her now pink hair.

Varian simply dragged a chair over an slumped in it.  "Before you yell at me for just disappearing and popping up on tv in Aurodon, it kinda just happened.  It was go then, or don't go at all."

"And you went?"

"The chemical and part supplies were very tempting.  I've completed more than I've ever could have here."

Suddenly Uma's eyes lit up as she smirked.  Varian smirked back.  Mal raised a brow before clearing her throat.  It was obvious that the two were talking in code, but there were other things to focus on.

"So you finally met pink hair?" Uma asked Varian.


"I thought we came here to talk about Ben," Mal interrupted.

"You did.  I told you I'm not doing anything for you," Varian retorted.  "Did you know, she tried to pull the green eyes on me earlier?"

Uma snorted.  "That's a low blow, even for you, but I never bought that princess act for a moment."

Mal rolled her eyes.  "V, are you siding with her out of spite because you're mad at me?"

"You know, not everything has to be about you, Mal.  Uma's a sister."

"Oh, but are you willing to give up your biological brother for her?"  Mal narrowed her eyes.

"Carlos wouldn't make me choose!"  Varian snapped.  "Nor would your 'friends'!  How big of a jerk can you be?"

Uma grabbed Varian's shoulder as he stood up.  His outburst surprised her as it did the rest of the people.  His breathing shook, but he closed his mouth."

Mal thought over her words.  "That was unfair of me."

Varian assumed that was closest he was getting to an apology.  He huffed.  "I'll wait outside.  You two finish up in here.  I need some air."  He stormed out of the place, letting the doors swing behind him.


Varian gripped his hair as he paced the porch.  He didn't care if people kept looking at him.  It didn't really matter to him at the moment.  He was focused on other things.  He took in deep breath to calm himself.

After a while, Mal exited Ursula's fish and chips.  She glanced down where Varian was sitting on the stairs.  "C'mon.  We gotta go."

Varian huffed, but he stood up and brushed the dirt off his pants.  They walked with a sharp silence between them.  Finally, Mal was on the to break it.  "You know, I'm sorry."

"Yeah, right."

"No, I am.  I shouldn't have said that.  I got carried away trying to keep my cool and get Ben back I didn't think about what I was being a literal jerk.  Now I let my pride get to my head and now we're in a huge mess.  Uma wants Fairy Godmother's wand in trade for Ben."

"That's not good for Aurodon either way," Varian mumbled.

"I know," Mal moaned, gripping her hair.

"Let's hurry back to our meeting place and come up with a plan then," Varian sighed.

"But what about Uma?"  Mal asked.

"She may be my friend, but you're right.  I can't play both sides.  Just know I'm not doing any of this for anybody, clear?"

"Crystal," Mal confirmed.

Note: I couldn't help but laugh at the scene where Uma was hold Varian back, bc he seemed about ready to tackle Mal.  The fact that Uma was expecting to fight Mal, but ended up having to stop Varian for jumping her.  Idk, I guess it was just kinda ironic.

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