Chapter 18

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Note: This chapter has emotional trauma.  Just a heads up for those who might suffer or have suffered something similar to the character.  I'll put a star where you can quit reading if it bothers you.

Varian scratched down a note.  So far, the history teacher hadn't called on him yet, which was a blessing.  It never lead to anything good.  He began to doodle on the side of the paper as he listened to the lecture.  He stopped when he felt like someone was staring at him.  He glanced to his right and noticed that Ruby kept looking his way.  She tilted her own paper a little and he could see doodles on her own.  She flashed him a grin.  He was surprised that he found himself returning the grin.


Varian jumped in his seat, jerking his head towards his teacher.  "Er... uh... yes?"

"Can you tell me what happened when Mr. Incredible encountered Bon Voyage when he was followed by Buddy Pine?"

Varian stiffened.  His father was the last person he wanted to think about and now he had to tell his father's back story that probably wasn't the version his teacher wanted.  "When Buddy Pine noticed that Mr. Incredible needed help, he used his rocket boots to fly off to get help.  In return, all Mr. Incredible did was put a bomb on his cape and jumped him, causing his flight pattern to go wrong and-"

"Wait, wait, stop," the teacher sighed.  "What book did you read this from?"

"Actually, I haven't found it in any of the books.  This is how it happened in Buddy Pine's point of view."

"Ruby, why don't you explain the real story," the teacher looked at the girl.

Ruby froze.  She glanced at Varian.  Finally, she spoke.  "Were we supposed to read about that this week?"

"No, it's a review... you know what, let's just go over the entire lesson..."

Varian stared at Ruby.  Why didn't she just answer?  He knew that she knew the answer.   Why did she lie?  Well, she didn't say that she didn't know, but still.  Was she afraid of embarrassing him or was she trying to make him feel better?  Either way, he didn't understand.

She just turned a page in her notebook and began to take notes on their double lesson.

A little later, the bell rang, dismissing class.  Ruby was out faster than Varian could put his notebook back in his bag.  He quickly got up to follow her when he was stopped by his teacher.


He placed a letter in Varian's hand.  "You can give that to Fairy Godmother when you have your Goodness class," he huffed.  "Now get out."

Varian gave him an angered glare, but obeyed.   When he reached the hall, Ruby wasn't in sight.  He sighed.  He would have to ask her later.  Now he had to go to his stupid Goodness class 101.

☆He slumped down at his desk, plopping the letter on it.  Fairy Godmother raised a brow.  "What's this?"

Varian shrugged.  "Don't know, don't care."


"He set me up to fail, I failed, end of story," Varian snapped.

Fairy Godmother sighed.  If Varian wasn't a Vk, she would have scolded them.  However, she had learned that Vks needed a little grace since they were basically taught to be disrespectful to others when they were not pleased.  That and Varian was a very sensitive soul like Carlos.  They were both easily shaken.  He required a lit of patience.

She opened the letter and began to read it.  "It says you've been influencing other students to rebel or even blackmailing them?"

"Ma'am, I don't even look at the other students... well, most of them.  Over all, I don't really talk to them."

"He says you made Ruby not answer a question?  I'm confused how that worked.  There is no scaring that girl..."

"Believe me, if she didn't answer a question, that was her choice not mine.  Do whatever you want, my work means nothing, so no argument is gonna convince you that I've done nothing, I'm sure,"  Varian pressed his lips tightly together as he crossed his arms.  It was one thing when he actually did the things he was being accused of, but it hurt to be accused of something he didn't actually do.

"Nothing?  What do you mean your word means nothing?  Student voices mean everything to Aurodon."

"Huh, I wonder why mine is always cut off then," Varian muttered.  "My voice has never meant anything to adults, so you don't have to lie about it to me.  I wasn't born yesterday.  Vks mean nothing, which is all well, because what's the point of being treated like something when you're nothing?"

"Ok.  Pause right there.  I do not want to hear you talk yourself down like that.  You know you're not nothing, I know you're not nothing.  You are a bright, intelligent, and caring kid.  You may need a lot of guidance, but you are not nothing."

"Apparently, I'm not smart enough!"

"Varian, you're the smartest kid in the school!"

"Well, that isn't enough!  My father still hates my guts!  He's still disappointed in me!  I'm still a failure to him!  No, I'm not enough!"  Varian stood up.  He couldn't believe he was pouring his heart out to this woman, but it felt good.

FG's eyes saddened.  "Varian..."

"You don't have to try and convince me otherwise, because I know I'm not going to be enough for him!  I'll be enough to anyone!  It's just better if I'm alone so no one will see that I'm a total screw up!"  He was shocked to find himself crying.  He didn't want anyone to see him like this, to see just how broken he was.  Without warning, he bolted out of the room.

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