Chapter 11

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By the way, I don't know how high schools work exactly.  I'm just using the best of my knowledge.  I've always done my school at home, even before Covid-19.


"So, science class is first?"  Varian clarified.

"Um... looks like it is," Carlos nodded.  "You have it with Doug and Evie.  My period is the third, but we have computer programming in the final period together.  Do you want me to show you where that is?  FG forgot to have someone show me and the others and we were late the first day."

"Goodness class 101?" Varian raised a brow.  "Let me guess.  A class created specifically for Vks?"


"Oh, gosh.  Could that get anymore stupid.  Did it even help you?"  Varian slipped his backpack on.

"Nope, but I got an A."

"Whoopewoo.  I'm sure you're proud," Varian's voiced was laced with sarcasm. 

"Yeah, but tip.  Pick the boring answer and it's a free ride," Carlos smirked.

"Thanks.  I'll use that piece of knowledge to get an A in the most useless thing I'll ever do."

The two, followed by Jay, made their way to class.  "Well, this is science class."

"Cool," Varian answered with no enthusiasm.  He walked in and sat at the empty table, letting his backpack hit the floor.

Mr. Deley cleared his throat and the students looked at him as he began the lesson.  Varian was sketching in his notebook, not paying any attention.

"Varian... Varian!"

The sound of his teacher's voice caused him to suddenly look up.  The whole class was staring at him.  He decided to ignore it.  "What?"

"Give the atomic weight of Nitrogen," the teacher said again, holding out the chalk.

"Oh.  14.0067u," Varian answered before going back to sketching.

Mr. Delay suddenly picked up Varian's wrist as if looking for something.  When he couldn't find anything he sighed.  "How about you show the class how you do the problem."

Varian took the chalk and wrote out the problem on the board.  When he finished, he tossed the chalk to the science teacher.  "What more do you want to know?  Its symbol?  N.  Atomic number? 7.  Electrons per shell?  2.5..." he stopped when he noticed Mr. Delay's face of disapproval.  "What?  A villain can't be smart as you?  Think again.  I was doing these since I was six."

"I always forget that-" Mr. Delay began.

"That Vks come from the smartest, most evil masterminds of the centuries?  I wouldn't forget."

Doug looked up from his work.  Varian could see he was impressed, but he looked like he was about to burst into laughter.  Evie buried her face in her hands, elbowing her boyfriend.  Varian didn't decided to ignore it.  He excused himself back to his seat where he started drawing new models for his TILL 3000.  (The Isle of The Lost Liberator)

The bell rang a few minutes later and Varian collected his things and was one of the last to leave the room.  Before he left the room, his teacher stopped him.

"Varian.  For your information, I never doubted that you could do it.  Just try not to show off too much for the other kids.  Keep up the good work."

"Sure?"  Varian gave him a quizzical look, but nothing more.  He left the room feeling strange.  Not the strange where he felt ill, but the strange when some odd feeling rises in his chest.  He never felt it very often.

He shook his head.  It meant nothing.  His teacher was probably just trying to get on his good side for something.  That's all anybody did anything for.  It was Aurodon.  The whole place was a facade of kindness to only make them look good and him, the Vks and their parents look like the bad guys.  Not that he would really defend his father.  They weren't friends and they never would be.  His father made sure of that.  Varian didn't even make it to his next class when he was stopped again.

"Hey, nerd."

Varian turned to owner of the voice, but said nothing.

"You can at least say hi," the boy frowned.

"Do you really want to make a Vk talk?  You have no idea what the least we can say is," Varian snorted.

"All talk and no bite," the boy taunted.

"You wanna bet?"  Varian started taking off his backpack, ready to fight.

The boy laughed and suddenly snatched the bag from Varian, holding it out of his reach.  "Wha-?  Hey!"  Varian snapped trying to grab it back.  He had hoped that if he acted big enough, he would be left alone.  Cassandra was always there to fight for him, but now she wasn't.

"Just like I thought.  You're just an act!" The boy shoved him Varian and the chest, causing the victim to fall backwards on the tiled floor.  Varian huffed, but he was used to being knocked down by his father.  He got back up, lunging for his schoolwork.  The bully merely shoved Varian off again, but this time he landed in the broom closet, falling on top of the mop bucket.  The mop fell on his head, and the Vk growled.

The bully's friend (who had held the door open) laughed.  The bully dumped Varian's school supplies and books on the floor, then kicked it to spread it around.  Before Varian had the chance to get out of the closet and rain his fury on the two and their other friend, the one slammed the door shut, locking him alone in the darkness.

"Hey!  Let me out!" Varian demanded.

The trio laughed before dashing through the hall.  "It's time for class.  Hope you aren't late!"

Note: Yes, I based the science class scene off of the scene with Evie in the first movie.  I loved that scene a lot and wondered what Evie would do if she saw yet another Vk with a similar instance.  Except, this time, it was the Vk's actual brain and not a magic mirror like Evie's.  :D

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