Chapter 7

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"You smuggled him over?"  Ben gripped his hair.

"Well, we couldn't exactly leave him," Carlos butted in.

"Yeah, well, good job.  Your brother's a fugitive."

"Who was already banished to the Isle before he was born..." Mal pointed out.

"Ok, yes, I know and it's my dream to get them all out, but I didn't actually authorize this," Ben said.  "I would never want to keep you and your brother apart anymore, Carlos, but the public probably needed some preparation."

"You're not making him go back are you?"  Carlos asked.  "As king you can authorize him being here.  If he goes back, think about what our father would do to him.  If he's anything like my mother... It would be better just to dump him a lake and leave him there to drown!"

Ben rubbed his neck, thinking deeply.   "Ok... so I guess this is what we're gonna do.  Announce a surprise Vk day.  Pretend this was planned, and move a bed into yours and Jay's dorm for the sake of how you two were when you originally moved in."

"We've got room.  As long as Jay actually puts his tourney stuff away," Carlos glanced at Jay as he said this.

"We have two hours to get this set up.  Lucky us, it's a Saturday with no big events," Ben took in a deep breath.  "So, where is your brother?"

"He's with Evie and Jane in the car," Carlos explained.


"She tagged along and kept Mal company in the car while we looked for Varian."

"Wow, that was a pretty bold move.  I guess I'm used to the insecure Jane and not the Jane going around making all these plans and sneaking around."

"I'll have to meet once all this is settled... Jay, can you get Jeff to drive Varian around for a while we get this settled?"

"On it!"  Jay did a salute with a wink and immediately left to do as bidden.

"Uh... Carlos, can you get the dorm organized and settled for him?"

"Can do!"

"Mal, stay with me and we'll get Evie to get the welcome party together and we'll get Jane to get Fairy Godmother to organize his school schedule... I suppose Goodness 101 class is back up..."

"He'll hate it," Mal snorted.

"Rotten?"  Ben raised a brow.

"To the core," Carlos and Mal answered in unison.

"We got this.  We're only dealing with one this time," Ben chuckled.  "And this time, we know what we're getting into and you two and the other two can help him out.  Now, Mal and I are going to make the announcement.  Carlos, you go ask Evie and Jane to do their jobs and then you can do yours."

"On it," Carlos nodded before running out of the room.

"You guys never cease to amaze," Ben shook his head.

"Thank you Ben," Mal offered a smile.  "This means a lot to Carlos, I couldn't turn him down.  That and we were being chased by his angry father, so there was that... oh, Jay also punched a the back window out..." Mal winced.  "Varian had him do that to help with the escape..."

"Uh... oh... I should have guessed it would come back damaged.  It went to the Isle of the lost.  It's no big deal.  Just a window."

"Well, the front might be a little indented..." Mal winced again.

"You know what?  It's just a car," Ben waved it off.  I typically just use my bike anyways.  Ready?"

"For the cameras?" Mal groaned and sighed.  "Don't have a choice in that.  They've been following me everywhere."

Ben took her hand and squeezed it.  Together they walked through the halls and out to the front of the castle.  They knew what they were getting into, or Mal had a vague idea.

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