Chapter 26

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Cassandra lifted her hand and the black rocks moved.  Ruby's eyes widened as she gaped.  "You can control those things?"

"Yeah, she's the moondrop.  She can only use them a little because of the barrier.  If she were in Aurodon, I can only imagine what she could do."

"Well, are we going in or what?"

Varian drew in a deep breath.  "Let's get this over with," he whispered.

Ruby followed Varian into the dark room.  Cassandra came in behind her.  They walked down twelve steps, the thirteenth was broken.  Thirteen.  Unlucky number?  Or was it just coincidence?

Dull lights glowing vials were strung around the room.  Tools were scattered and so was the supplies.  There was an old, ragged chair oddly in the center of the room.  An unmade bed with one ripped and thin blanket that was barely enough to do any good and half a pillow that sewn to keep the stuffing from flying out was all in a corner.

"Is... is this your lab?"  Ruby whispered.

Varian froze.  He gently set a hand on one of the broken desks.  "...Yeah."

"But your dad-" Ruby looked at the stairs.

"Wouldn't care to look down here," Varian cut her off.  "Let's just grab the supplies and run back to Mal's.  I don't want to stay here longer than we need to."  He grabbed one of his old bags and started stuffing bottles of chemicals into it, along with a box of rubber gloves.

"Gloves?"  Cassandra raised a brow.

"To hold my solution," Varian remarked.  She shrugged.

There was a moment's silence.  Then Cassandra cleared her throat.  "So, you have a brother now?"

"Twin actually.  Carlos De Vil.  Apparently no one cared enough to tell either of us.  Fairy Godmother was the one to break it to Carlos..."

"So, you got to go over because you were his long lost sibling?"

"...Yeah, but I'm not gonna let the reasons end there," he assured her.

"Do you have any siblings, Cass?"

"You don't get to call me Cass," she snapped at Ruby, but the princess was unfazed.  Cassandra shook her head.  "Yeah, a younger sister, Ginny.  What?  You the only child?"

"Nah.  I have an older sister, Anxelin.  I call her Annie.  She hates it.  Most just call her Lin or Ann.  She was named after my dad's mom.  My pappy wanted it that way."

"Were you named after anyone?"  Varian asked.

"Nope.  My dad said I was more precious than any gem he ever stole and my mom ended up loving the idea, so it stuck."

"You're dad a theif?"  Cassandra inquired incredulously.

"Former," Ruby answered.  "Quit long before he was born, when he met my mom."

"How cute," Cassandra sounded unamused.

"I have all the supplies," Varian spoke up.

"Good.  Let's get out of here.  Your place always gives me the creeps," Cassandra glanced around the room.

Varian offered a light chuckle as he turned around, bumping into something.  "Ooph!"

"Leaving so soon?"

The boy gasped in horror as he heard the voice.  He stared at him wide eyed.  "D-Dad!"

Cassandra immediately grabbed Ruby and put the princess behind her.  The girl was too surprised to argue.  She peeked out from behind the eighteen year old girl as the man suddenly back handed Varian on the face.  The boy's head shot to the side, taking in a sharp breath.  His father grabbed the front of his shirt.

"Stop it!"  Ruby screamed.  Cassandra winced.

Syndrome looked at the two girls in the room.  He looked surprised as if he hadn't noticed them.  Obviously he didn't recognize Ruby either, but he did know Cassandra.  "Just git!"

"No!  That's my friend!"  Ruby snapped, pushing Cassandra out of her way.

"I don't care, missy.  This trash happens to be my son.  You don't get to say."

"But it isn't right-"

"Being here isn't right.  Now get lost!"

"Just let Varian go," Ruby said.  The man didn't make a move to do so.  Then the light of an idea popped in her head.  She pulled out her wallet showed the money in it.  "You leave us alone, you can have it."

Varian gaped at her.  She was bribing his dad with money?  If he didn't know any better, she was a Vk.  He was pretty sure that she didn't learn this in the Goodness 101 class.  To shock even more, it actually worked.  His father shoved him away.  Cassandra grabbed his shoulders to keep him from falling.  Ruby tossed her cranberry colored wallet to the villain.  Without a word, the trio left.

Ok, so not the best at writing Syndrome, but hey.  He's just playing the part I need him to.  Anyways, thanks for reading.  They've come so far!

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