Chapter 16

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Varian closed his locker.  He jumped when he realized he was standing next to Mal.  "Oh, hey!"

"Sorry.  I scare you there?" Mal chuckled, immediately stuffing her magic book in the pocket of her locker.  Varian pretended that he didn't notice.

"Hi, Mal!"

Both teens yelped and jumped away only to see it was Ben who snuck up behind them.  Varian inwardly groaned.  Now he had the king of Aurodon and the perfectly famous Mal in the same conversation.  She chuckled nervously.  "Hi..."

"I have little a surprise for you," Ben continued.

"Again?  Wow!  That's like everyday now," Mal gave him those sweet eye.  Varian glanced away.

"Every other day," Ben corrected.  "Because you're even more perfect than I thought."

Varian rolled his eyes as Mal chuckled nervously again.  "Yep... perfect... that's me..."

"Let me spoil you.  You didn't have a lot on the Isle," Ben pressed.

"Hmm... we managed."  Mal put a book back in the locker.  Ben seemed to notice the spell book.

"Shouldn't that be in the museum?" he inquired.

Mal closed the locker. "Oh... is that still in there?" She touched his forehead, moving his hair a little.  "Uh... I gotta get to class.  I don't want to be late."

"Hmm, well, you're gonna come this way..." Ben turned Mal around, showing her the purple motorbike.  She gasped.

Varian set his arm on her shoulder.  "You know what, Mal?  If I were you, I'd keep this boyfriend."  The comment earned him a small chuckle from the two.

"Do you like it?"  Ben ventured.

"Pfft!  Does she like it... you know, if she don't, I'll take it," Varian smirked.

"Does an ogre like cheese puffs?"  Mal exclaimed, walking over to her gift.

Ben looked as Varian.  "Don't look at me, I don't know anything about ogres.  You know I'm not into the magic thing.  For me it's all about the science, or, more specifically, alchemy."

"Ben, it's amazing! And it's purple!  I didn't get you anything..."

"You're taking me on a picnic," Ben reminded her.

"No, that's Thursday," Mal corrected.

"Which happens to be today."

"No it isn't."

"Yes, it is."


"Here," Ben pulled out his phone.  "See?"

"I knew that," Mal lied.

"Tch!"  Varian snorted.  "Miss perfect forgot about her date on the date."  He muttered it too quietly for the others to hear.  He decided to leave the two love birds before he ended up being late to class.


"Jane!  Jane!"  Carlos scrambled on top of a block.

"Oh, hey, Carlos."

Varian stopped.  He had been about to walk into the room, but he realized he picked a time where his twin was going to be romantic.  Or at least wish and want to be romantic and ask Jane out.  He decided not to let his brother see him and hide behind the door to listen to the conversation.  As he listened, he just shook his head.

Jane walked away and Carlos sighed, looking at Dude.  "It just... wasn't the time yet..."

"Well, apparently you have no idea how to woe women," Varian snorted.

"You saw that?"  Carlos turned to his twin.

"Nah, just heard it," Varian corrected.

"I don't suppose you've got advice..." Carlos sent him a hoping look.

"Romantically?  You better talk to the princesses for that.  To befriend them?  Now that, I can do."

"I guess I just need some practice... hey, we could practice with Ruby," Carlos teased.

"Wait!-Wha?  Would you stop that?"  Varian huffed.

Carlos laughed.  "You're fun to tease!"

"Well, right back at you," Varian grumbled.

Carlos wrapped an arm around his brother's shoulders.  "Why don't we go experiment with something."

"I like how you don't have anything particular in mind," Varian grinned.

"We'll figure it out when we get there."

O my gosh!  Sorry for the delay.  Not sure when I last posted, but the book might slow a little bit.  I'm still working on it.  Also, sorry for the shorter chapter.  Thanks for reading!

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