Chapter 23

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"If you guys never brought him here, this never would have happened.  What were you thinking?"  Mal cried.

"Look, princess," Varian snapped.  "He was coming anyways.  You would have been mad if we let him come alone so don't even with me."  He had been a little more grumpy after the run in with Harry a few moments before.

"Not only that, you brought a princess of Corona, heir to something!"  Mal's voice was still raised.

"She wasn't taking no for an answer," Varian snorted.  "We all came over here to save your stinking tail, risking countless dangers to do so.  The least you could do is be at least a little grateful that we left you and your boyfriend to your own devices!"

"We just wanted to protect Ben," Evie stepped in, trying to direct Mal from Varian's outburst.  Her eyes had started to glow green, but Evie's voice snapped her out of it.

"Yeah and we completely blew it!"  Carlos added.

"Ok," Jay said, stopping the others form continuing their shouting.  They looked at him, waiting if he had something else to say, but it becam apparent that he just wanted them to calm down.  "So what are we going to do?"

"We are not doing anything. This is between Uma and me, and she's a punk, and guess what?  Now I have to go get him."  Mal grabbed her bag.

"Woe, woe, woe, Mal.  You still have to go through Harry Hook and his pirate rats," Carlos pointed out.

"Yeah, you're gonna need us," Jay agreed.

"Uma said to come alone." Mal's voice was quiet, but it still held her anger.

"Mal, come on," Evie tried.

Carlos sighed.  "She said to come alone.  I know one thing, I'm not going anywhere."  He plopped down on the couch.

"We'll be here when you get back," Jay said.

"When we get back," Varian corrected.

"What apart of alone did you not get?"  Mal snapped.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but I'm not one of you.  I don't count and I'm not going for yours or Ben's sake.  I'm done with that if all I'm gonna get is your crap.  No, I need to see Uma for my own reasons, and I don't answer to you," Varian huffed.

Mal stared at him, her eyes flaring green.  Ruby noticed how Carlos suddenly had anger flash across his face when Mal did this.  She realized Mal was using her Magic to make Varian back down, but he didn't.  He glared at her, pure determination in his eyes.  "I don't answer to you," he repeated.

Finally, Mal closed her eyes and sighed.  "Fine."

The tension in the room remained, but Ruby noticed the shock on Jay's and Evie's faces as they looked at each other.  Mal and Varian left before Ruby could vocal anything.  She hadn't said anything before because it wasn't her place, but she had curiosity.  "What was that?"

"Something Mal and her mom did when they had a disagreement.  They'd have stare down, battling their powers.  She doesn't do that with other people very often and well, other people don't have magic so you know..."  Evie said.

"Kind of unfair," Ruby frowned.

"Yes, well, she didn't want him to get hurt, that's all," Evie remarked.

"But if it's magic, how did Varian win.  Doe he have magic?"  Ruby asked.

"No," Carlos answered.  "Just pure determination.  We all have a kind of magic inside us.  Although we can't typically do anything supernatural.  You know, friendships can strengthen power and love conquers a lot of spells.  Hate can power evil magic, and I suppose that enough determination and fight off spells."

"Oooh, I get it now!  I never thought of any of those things as magic, but it makes since," Ruby exclaimed.  "It's kinda a cool thought."

Note:  Varian was really cranky, but a lot has happened to him recently.  Mal, you could have probably been a little nicer, but we'll cut you a little slack since it is your boyfriend's life that's in danger.   That and all of Aurodon.

So, will Uma be mad at Varian for leaving the Isle without a word and coming with Mal's group of all people?  We shall see how this plays out. :p

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