Chapter 15

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Hey!  I actually drew Varian's Vk outfit (the one designed by Evie).  I'm still practicing digital work, but it's not that bad.  I'm still better at the traditional way. Anyways, enjoy!


"And now the jacket and... voila!"  Evie stepped back studying her creation.  She clapped her hands together in satisfaction.

"You know what, I like it.  I thought you were gonna give me like some sort of uniform that the wimps wear... er..."  Varian stopped when Doug spun his chair calmly giving him an unamused look.  "Wimpy princes wear,"  Varian corrected.

"V, I came from the Isle.  I know what's going to be your type a style and what's going to be... say... Chad."

Varian snorted.  "Exactly who I was referring to..."

"Right," Doug turned back to the computer, but Varian could tell that he wasn't actually offended.  He hopped off the block, slipping his hand into his black and light blue leather bike gloves.  "Soooo, you like, get money for doing this?"

"Yes, I do.  Have an interest?"  Evie was measuring a dress that she was making for Mal.

"Not so much on the clothing side," Varian admitted.

Doug laughed, but Varian ignored him.  He was cool with Doug and didn't actually mind him.  It was just, he felt like Doug knew so more than he did, which was true.  Unless it came to an equation or engineering.  Doug was smart, but Varian proved to be smarter.  Book wise at least.

Evie chuckled.  "Yeah, the other part is nice too, if I'm being honest."

"You like to work on robotics, right?"  Doug asked.  "I mean, I've seen how hood you are at chemistry, but what exactly are you into?"

Varian opened his mouth to speak, but suddenly stopped.  What did he want to do exactly?  He never thought about.  Never had the choice.  What if science wasn't what he really wanted?  What if that was his father's influence more than anything else?  He loved science, so why wouldn't he want to do what he loved?

Both of the other teens noticed the confusion written across the teen's face.  "It's ok if you don't know.  I didn't know I wanted to be clothing designer when I first came here either," Evie assured him.

"It's just... I've always assumed... I never thought about what I wanted..."  Varian spoke slowly.  "I was just always working on something for my dad to take that..."

"Well, there are plenty of options.  If you're artistic there's drama, music, art, etcetera.  If you're sporty-"

"Yeah, that one's never going to happen.  I'm not even acrobatic like Carlos.  I run.  That's it," Varian tried to throw in a little humor.

Evie chuckled.  "Well, the point is, take your time and think it over.  You don't have to know right away."

"You know, I wish I knew someone like you back on the Isle..."

"You didn't have any friends?  No one who had your back?"  Evie looked at him with shock.

"Well... if I'm being honest, there are only two people I'd ever say had my back.  Cassandra, Gothal's daughter, but she wasn't very um... let's talk about our feelings type of person..."


"You know her?"  Varian looked at her in surprise.

"Well, her mother is my mother's sister so we're cousins...  We weren't exactly besties, so I'm not surprised that she never mentioned me."

"I can see a few similarities," Varian admitted.

"Who else had your back?"  Doug asked.

Varian smirked.  "Sure you two want to know?"

"Please, who could possibly have me concerned," Evie teased.

"Would Uma spin your head?"

"Uma?"  Evie's jaw dropped.

"Now you know why I can't stand miss princess Mal," Varian huffed.  "But I think you're cool.  Jay's not too bad.  Carlos seems to want to befriend me very badly but I just... I guess I find it hard to trust blood, you know?"

Evie nodded.  "You may not feel it yet, but I promise that you count on Carlos, Jay, Doug and I for help if you need it.  I'd say Mal, but you said so yourself, you haven't warmed up to her yet."

"Well, thanks for the knowledge," Varian answered, but still wasn't certain.

Ok, so bit of a filler chapter, but some things needed to be said.  Also, I thought about how Gothal had walls of mirrors in her tunnel underneath her house and how vain both her and Evil Queen were.  So I took it upon myself to make them related.

Sorry it took so long to send this out and I'll come back to edit it if I missed some mistakes.

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