Chapter 4

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"The Isle of the lost..."  Carlos whispered as he stared at the island.  Jay set a hand on his shoulder.

"You ok?"

"I will be..." Carlos mumbled.

"Hey, guys," Mal whispered as her, Evie and Jane approached.

"Yeah?  Isn't Jane staying?"  Jay inquired, but not in a rude way.

"Where's Ben?"  Carlos butted in.

"He's no good at sneaking around and got caught.  Evie convinced Jane to tag along," Mal explained.  "Don't worry, we're still going and since it was Ben, he's not going to be in any trouble."  She pushed her blond hair out of her eyes.

"I mean," Jane spoke quietly, "Evie just finished making me a new outfit with this cool leather jacket.  Got to show it off somewhere," she chuckled nervously.  "That and I would like to see the Isle's conditions.  If those kids have anything like your guys' backgrounds, well, they'll need help."

"I mean, they're all raised by villains," Carlos warned.  "You'll have to stick by us and fit in in order to not get caught.  Are you sure?"

"Yes?" Jane gripped her jacket, but she looked determined at least.

"Then follow our lead and stick close," he whispered.  Jane nodded.

"Come on, let's go.  We don't have much time," Evie cut in.

"Right.  Mal?"

"Ben's letting us use the car.  Hop in."

"You're not driving are you?"  Jay raised a brow.

"Yes, now get in," Mal ordered.

The boy shrugged and entered the car.  The others followed.  Evie and Mal sat up front.  Mal whispered a few words under her breath, casting a spell on the car.  Then, without a warning, she slammed her foot on the pedal and they drove into the water.  Jane screamed as the others gasped.  They relaxed once they realized that they were skidding across the water.

When they came to the barrier, they all braced themselves.  The magic caused a loud noise and the car jolted, but it continued to push forward.  All the teens sighed with relief, but only to find themselves being jounced severely as the car touched the ground.  Mal slammed on the breaks.

"Ok, someone's got to stick around to make sure that this car doesn't get stolen.  I'm not going to Ben, saying that his car was stolen on the Isle.  Imagine us coming up with a story to his parents and Fairy Godmother for this?  We'd have no way of getting back to Auradon without this."

"Alright, I vote that the strongest stays, then," Jane whispered.

"Mal?" The other three looked at the girl.

She signed and rolled her eyes.  "I guess I set myself up for it."

"I can stay with you, Mal," Jane offered.  "I've already seen enough of this Isle to know what I want.  If you don't mind, I'll probably just ask a few questions."

"If that's what you want." Mal shrugged.

"Great!" Jay popped the car door open.  Evie and Carlos followed while Jane moved to the seat next to Mal.

"Do you have the instructions?"  Evie asked Carlos.

"Right here," Carlos confirmed.  He pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket.

"Then let's get moving."



he late of night was always the best time to get any business done.  It wasn't like Varian could go anywhere much in the daytime.  His father had the rocket boots (although they continually malfunctioned) and somehow always knew where he was.  Unless it was night, Varian could never escape him.  That was why he tended to sleep mainly during the day.

The four came to a tavern.  It was still alive with chatter and lively sound of cheering in general.  When they entered, they found a teen standing on the table with her sword lifted in the air.  Her hair was a teal and highly complimented her dark skin.  Her clothes were a similar color and anyone who spent a few hours on the Isle would know who she was.  Uma, daughter of Ursula, owner of the tavern.

"What's my name?" she cried.

"Uma!"  They all shouted.  Harry in particular raised his cup.

"What's my name?"

"Uma, it's clear that everyone on the Isle knows your name, can explain to me how you are the only one who still hasn't been able to grasp it?"  Varian snorted.

The cheers died and everyone turned to the four.  Uma squinted her eyes as she got off the table.  The others immediately made an open pathway for her as she stormed towards then.  Within moments, she was face to face with Varian.  A staring contest is a common game among friends, but it was a lot more serious when it was done on the Isle.  Finally, they both smirked.

"Welcome back, V.  I see you managed to escape again," Uma put her arm around his shoulders.

"I wonder why everyone assumes I escaped anything?"

She laughed.  "You know, you're still under age."

"So are you, and you serve it.  Not one being in this room is the right age," Varian countered.

She laughed again.  "Alright.  It's on the house for an old friend."

"Thanks, Uma."

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