Chapter 20

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Ok, that took a few hours to make, but I'm super happy with Ruby's shirt. I used screenshots of Rapunzel and Varian and colored over their clothes. The background was something that Iblis paint had to offer. The hardest part was erasing around the screenshots, but it was fun figuring out how to do it.

Rapunzel is supposed to be Ruby btw.

We've reached Chapter 20 people! We still have a bit to go.



"What?" Carlos looked at Evie with surprise.

She closed the door and glanced over the room to make sure Cahd wasn't around. "Mal went back to the Isle."

"What?!" Jay and Carlos exclaimed at once.

Varian looked up from his history book, snapping it shut. "Well, ain't that just perfect."

"We have to go with Ben to pick bring her back. If we don't, he'll go by himself."

"Woe, woe, woe! Bringing the king back to the Isle is the most stupid thing you could do. About ninety point five percent of the Isle would love to get their hand around his neck."

"Why that specific number?" Jay raised a brow.

"I don't know the rest of the people so the rest is a gap. From everyone else, I assume it's a full one hundred, but of course, who am I to say?" Varian shrugged.

"When are we going?"



"Ok, do we have everything?" Evie asked.

"Yep," the boys confirmed.

"Alright, we want to stay low. The last thing we need is the whole Isle to realize we're there. Word spreads pretty fast." She looked at Ben. "We don't want our parents finding out we're there. It would get really messy."

"Got it," Ben nodded.

"I'm coming too!"

"No, Dude. It's dangerous. You're staying here," Carlos turned to the dog on the stairs.

"What is that?" Jay raised a brow.

"Explain later?" Carlos tried.

"Or not," Varian brushed past his brother, getting into the vehicle.

Carlos slid into the seat next to him. "You don't have to go if you don't want to."

"What? You don't want me to come?" Varian huffed.

"Huh? No, no, no... that's not what I meant..." Carlos rubbed the back of his neck.

Varian chuckled. "Relax, bro. I was just kidding."

"Can I come?"

Jay froze as he was sliding into the driver's seat. He turned his head to the voice. Sure enough, a certain girl with long blond hair stood merely a yard away from him. "Uh... no? It's dangerous?"

"Ben's going," Ruby pointed out.

"Uh... his girlfriend?" Jay tried again. "Can you stay here and keep a secret?"

"Look. I'm the daughter of one of the most legendary thieves. I can fence, break into things and never be noticed. Do you want to know why I'm considered the good sibling in my family? Because I don't get caught." She put her hands on her hips.

"You're not taking no for an answer, are you?"


Jay sighed. "Fine, get in the car."

"Yes!" Ruby squealed quietly with excitement. She slid into the back next to Evie, facing Carlos and Varian.

"It's not a trip to rainbow and unicorn land, princess," Varian scowled.

"I know, but I think I should see what you Vks come from. Maybe it will help me understand what you all have gone through."

"I don't get it. You're one of the most understanding people I kmow," Evie said.

"I understand you've all been through really tough things, but I don't know exactly, just bits and pieces. I'll probably never fully know how it is to be in your shoes, but I can always work at coming closer."


Sorry for the shorter chapter, but we're going to be at the Isle in the next chapter and things are going to really start picking up. So buckle up!

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