Chapter 9

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I merely edited a screenshot.  I meant to put that in earlier, but I forgot.


Varian opened the door to his dorm to find Jay stuffing his Tourney items in the closet.  Carlos was finishing up tucking the corners of the blanket into the mattress.  Jay smiled and waved.  Varian just sat down on the nearest chair, resting his head in his hands.  He thought that people felt better after they threw up when they were carsick.  It only helped for a couple minutes and now he was fighting a second wave.  On top of that, his head was throbbing and he just felt weird.

"Hey, uh... you ok?" Carlos inquired.  Concern written on his face.  He didn't receive an answer.  Carlos sat in a chair closest to where his brother sat.  The raccoon chittered with it's own concern.

"Uh, V?"  Jay was pushing his back against the closet until it finally clicked shut.

"I don't feel too good," Varian finally whispered.

"Here, let's get you in the bed.  Jay, can you go get Fairy Godmother?"

"You got it," Jay nodded before quickly leaving the dorm.

Carlos moved to put his hand on Varian's shoulder to help him to the bed.  His twin jerked away, flashing Carlos a look.  The boy held his hands up in defeat, showing that he meant not harm to Varian.  "I just want to help."

"I got nothing to give in return," Varian hissed.

"I don't want anything in return."

"No, everyone does something for something.  One way or another," Varian disagreed.

"Ok... I just want you better.  There, that's what I want.  Happy?"

"And when I'm better?  What then?"

Carlos just looked at him sadly, remembering a time when he too was that way.  It was painful to know that all the Vks still on the Isle were the same way.  He shook his head and sighed.  "Look, trust me.  I just want to make sure you're ok.  I get your concerns, but you don't have to be worried here.  Here you're safe.  So, can I just help you?"

After a long moment, Varian finally nodded.  Carlos helped him up, but now that they were close, he noticed the large rash on Varian's neck.  "Hang on...  What have you eaten today?"

"Just that thing you gave me this morning.  Why?"

"Do you have any allergies?"

"Not that I know of.  Why?"

"You have a rash," Carlos explained.

"Great," Varian muttered sarcastically.  He sat down on his bed, and was surprised to find how he just sunk into it.  His bed on the Isle was hard and not soft like the bed he now sat in.

Fairy Godmother entered the room with Jay right behind her.  "So this is the new student?"

"Yeah, I think he might be having an allergic reaction to something he ate," Carlos explained.

"Let me see," Fairy Godmother came too close for Varian's liking and he shifted away.  "I can't help you if I can see you, dear.  Let me look.  I promise I do not mean you any harm."

Varian didn't feel like arguing.  He just nodded and let her look.  She inspected the rash and asked a few questions.  She nodded.  "I think Carlos is right.  What have you eaten today?"

"He's only eaten a Reece's Cup," Carlos answered for him.

"Oh, my...  I should check him for a peanut allergy.  He's never had a peanut before?"

"Or any type of nut," Varian answered.

"I see... I'll be right back."  FG left and returned a few minutes later.  "This shot won't hurt too much, but it should make you feel better.  This will work fast then pills."  She rolled up his sleeves and used an alcohol wipe to clean it before using the shot.  Varian winced, but he had a lot worse.  "I'll make sure that we have you tested for peanut allergies as soon as this blows over and we'll just keep you away from nuts until it's more suitable to test.  Just rest for now."

Varian nodded and laid down on the soft bed, feeling weariness overtaking him.  He hadn't slept in a long time, he realized.  He had drifted off to sleep before Fairy Godmother left the room.

Ok, so thank you ILOVEVARIAN22 for the idea that Varian was allergic to peanuts.  I loved the idea and I needed some things that made him feel set apart from the other Vks and this was a nice fit.  That and he was already sick, so perfect.

I have never actually had an allergic reaction to something I ate (only to strong soaps, so I assume it's some sort of chemical) so I can only go by what I know.  So sorry if it isn't too accurate, but we'll skip the details and pretend that it's realistic if it isn't.

Thank you so much for reading!

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