Chapter 2

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"Alright, Ruddiger! This has got to be it! I can feel it!" Varian lifted his gizmo up for his raccoon pet to see. The animal in question chittered. "No! It's not going to explode! I wonder what gave you that hair-brain idea," the teen huffed.

The raccoon merely rolled his eyes in return, but he hopped on his friend's shoulders. He gave Varian a supportive look and the boy couldn't help but return a soft smile. Varian stroked the raccoon's head.

"Heh. Come on, Ruddiger. Let's go before dad gets back!" The teen dashed to the stairs that was the only way out of the basement he used as his lab.

He stopped short as he grabbed the rail and had one foot on the first step. It was too late. His dad was already on top of the stairs peering down at him with an eyebrow raised. Varian sighed as he removed his foot and backed up to a chair. His father was only three feet away from him by the time he plopped down, utterly annoyed that his father decided to return back home earlier than usual. the raccoon skittered to the top of the chair and sat there, knowing that it would be best for all of them. Varian's father held his hand out. Varian sighed again, handing his project to his dad with annoyance. He set his chin on his hand and his elbow rested on the arm of his chair.

"And this is?"

"The TILL 3000," Varian mumbled.

"The first exploded my lab and the, second the house. You plan on blowing up the entire Isle this time?"

"Well, if it works right, it will break the barrier, then we'll see who the screw up is!" Varian muttered angrily under his breath, but a little too loud because his father heard.

The man grabbed the boy's ear and yanked him off the battered recliner. Varian gasped, but thought better than to vocalize any complaints. He was in trouble enough as it was. "Are you sure you want to test me?" he hissed.

Varian whimpered when his dad twisted his ear. He looked down and shook his head. His father nodded, finally releasing his grip on him and Varian stepped back. "Yeah, I didn't think so."

"Can... can I have my project back now?" Varian ventured.

"I don't think so."

"Dad-" Varian reached for it, the man pulled the gizmo out of his reach and grabbed his wrist. Varian gritted his teeth and tried to pull his wrist free, but his father was much stronger than him. Syndrome wasn't any stronger than a regular person, it was just the fact that Varian was smaller and weaker than him that kept him in the greater power.

"Stop messing around with this stupid junk!"

"It's your stupid junk that I revised!" Varian argued, still trying to break free.

His father finally let go, but only to punch Varian in the jaw. The boy fell backwards from the blow, lucky to find the chair stopped his fall and not the cement floor. He rubbed his jaw, passing his father a glance to see his mood in order to tell if he was going to get a full blown beating or if he had reached the end. He guessed his father was tired because he didn't continue the punishment.

A part of Varian wished he had his other parent, but there was the risk that his mom was worse. He had heard that Cruella was pretty unhinged, and didn't have the greatest temper. Perhaps he got the better end of the deal, not that his deal was all that grand.

He would have spied on his mother, but he was forbidden to go anywhere such as a two mile radius of that woman. Not that he was really allowed out much. His father pretty much had him locked in the basement, milking his mind for projects and experiments only to call them 'pointless, useless, and stupid like his son'. Then his father would take his ideas and use them anyways under his name and that's what Varian hated about it the most.

"Oh, just shut it. You're grounded."

"For what?" Varian snapped.

"For that!"

"What? Why? If I just keep my mouth shut and let you stomp all over me, you call me witless, weak, and a total zero! What do you want from me?" Varian stood back up. "What have I done?"

"When I say shut it, you shut it!" Syndrome barked as he shoved Varian. However, this time, Varian flipped over the arm of the chair. He landed on the cement with a sickening thud. He hissed as the contact caused him to scrape his arm. His father's boot collided with Varian's side and the boy yelped as the sudden force caused him to roll.

Varian's breath shook as he slowly got on his knees and sat on his feet. He clutched his arm and hunched over, trying to ease the pain. Whimpering through his clenched teeth, he refused to look at his father or even speak. Syndrome took that as he was finally willing to listen. Huffing, he marched up the stairs with Varian's project and slammed the basement door shut. Varian could hear the click of the lock as his father locked him in.

He felt Rüdiger place a comforting paw on his knee. The raccoon gave him a concerned chitter and nuzzled his friend's face. Varian winced, but he refused to cry. It wasn't like he wasn't used to it anyways. "Thanks, bud."

Chapter 2 completed! Boom! I hope you liked it so far. I won't exactly be following a schedule I don't think. I think this story is just something I will probably write when I'm in the mood. Luckily, I'm in the mood to write Varian all the time and descendants tend to pop in my playlists all the time, which will also get me in the mood, so yeah. Anyways, thanks for reading! I would appreciate some wattpad tips! ;) Don't be afraid to tell me how I'm doing so far either.

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