Chapter 30

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"Hurry, get in!"

Varian slid into the car next to Carlos and then Ruby squeezed in next to him.  With the addition of Lonnie and Mal to the ride, it was getting a little cramped.  Evie and Lonnie squeezed up front with Jay.  Ben and Mal sat facing Varian and the other two.

"I'm really sorry that things didn't go the way you wanted them to," Ben spoke at last, looking at his girlfriend.  Or his ex-girlfriend, whatever she was to him, Varian didn't care.

"I mean...  as long as you're safe that's... great."  Mal was trying to catch her breath.

"At least I got to see the Isle," Ben added.  "They're my people too.  Uma helped me see that."

Varian tried to pretend that he wasn't listening, but he couldn't help but be intrigued by that statement.  If he was being honest, he kinda got to know Ben a bit more on this trip and Varian kind of felt he jumped to judging him too soon.  Ben did want to help the children of the Isle and he was the one trying to right the wrongs that his father created by keeping them locked on the Island.  It was actually admirable.

"Ben, Uma captured you," Mal stared at him in disbelief.  Varian didn't think he could dislike her anymore than he already did.  She just proved him wrong.

"She's an angry girl with a bad plan.  She's not so different than you than when you first came to the Isle."

Varian bit down on his tongue as Mal just stared at Ben.  He had just compared her with Uma, and Varian could tell that she was not pleased with the idea at all.  Ben looked away as did she.  Varian tapped his fingers on his knees, hoping to lessen the tension that was starting to build.

"Awkward..."  Dude said.

Ruby bit her lip and looked away as it just got even more awkward with the dog.  Varian snorted back a laugh.  He face grew red and he knew that he shouldn't laugh, but it was difficult not to.

"Oh!  Dude!  I know you can talk, but sometimes it's best that you don't," Carlos whispered.

They crossed the barrier and drove over the water.  Jay looked at Lonnie, who sat next to him.  "Why don't you come by practice today."

"What?  In the mood to break some rules?"  Lonnie raised a brow.  Evie glanced at them

"Nope," Jay replied casually.  Lonnie grinned, curious to know where he found a loophole.


They walked across the lawn at Aurodon Prep.  No one had a clue what had been going on in the past twenty four hours.  The only thing that seemed out of place to the Aks was Ruby wearing a Vk level outfit of leather and chains.  A few people looked her way in confusion, but she didn't seem to mind them in any way.

Lonnie left the group, taking the swords with her.  Ruby followed to get changed, but spared a wave towards the Vks.

"Ben!  There you are!  Where were you?  Cotillion is tonight!  I need you to do one final check on the stain glass window..."

Ben looked at Mal.  "Do you want to cancel?"

"... No... I'll manage..."  she mumbled.

He nodded.  "Just do what you need to do."  He walked off with Jane to give her some space.

Evie hooked her hand in Mal's and began to lead her friend off.  "We need to talk."

"Yeah..."  Mal answered.

"No."  Carlos stated.

The two turned to look at him.  "No?"

"You guys are always walking off to do your girl talk, leaving us behind and... we're tired of it."

"Actually I'm just fine," Jay said.  Varian didn't comment.  He wasn't a part of this group, he knew that.

Carlos looked at Jay, who closed his mouth.  He continued.  "We're your family too.  We've been through a lot.  Together.  I'm not stopping that now, ok? Everyone, sit."  Carlos sat on the ground.  The other Vks stared at him for a moment.  "Come on," he tried again.

The girls slowly began to sit down.  Jay followed.  Varian began to walk away, believing that this wasn't his place to be at the moment.

"V."  Varian turned back to his brother, which was the one who called him.  "You too," Carlos patted the ground next to him.  "You're family too."

He hesitated, but after a second thought, Varian sat down next to his brother.

"Perfect.... um... I don't know how to start girl talk..."  Carlos looked at Mal and Evie.

"What up?"  Jay shrugged.

"Um... well... I'm a mess... I'm such a mess..."  Mal began.  "I mean, months ago I was stealing candy from babies and now... everybody wants me to be this lady of the court and I have no idea how to keep up the act..."

"Then don't," Carlos stated.

"See?  This was dumb."  Jay made as to get up.

"Maybe it wasn't," Evie said.  "We're always gonna be kids from the Isle.  I tried to forget it, I really tried, but I can't.  You know, we all did what we had to do to survive.  It made us who we are.  We're not gonna be like anyone else here and that's ok."

Varian hugged his knees, resting his chin on top of them.  "And we can't fake it."  Mal looked at him.  "We can't keep faking that we're ok.  That we're someone else, because everything's still there in the end...  Who we are, scars, are feelings, they're all there, even if bury them deep down..." he whispered.

Carlos set a hand on his shoulder and offered a reassuring smile.  He looked at Mal.  "Mal, if Ben doesn't love you for who you are, then he's not the one."

"I like that..."  Evie said.

"Give him a chance," Carlos added.

Mal nodded.  "...'K..."

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