Chaptet 29

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Pirates.  Pirates of the Caribbean.  I thought the last half of the song works for a fight scene?  Right?  Maybe?  Ah, well, we'll pretend it works if it doesn't fit.


She nodded to Harry.  "Bring him over, Hook."

Harry started leading the king to the bridge where Uma and Mal stood.  Gill walked with them.  "Oh, Ben!  Tell your mama that Gaston says hi and tell your dad that my dad wishes that he finished your dad off when he had the chance-" he stopped when Ben was put down on his knees in front of Mal.  She held out the wand.

"Wait, this is too easy," Uma said.  "Give it a test run first."

"My truth strum!  Dude speaks!" Varian whispered, his twin overhearing.

Mal looked back at Carlos.  He made a small nod towards Dude.  She flicked the wand.  "Although it sounds absurd, turn your back into a word."  There was silence.  Finally, Mal enticed the dog to speak.  "Talk, dog."

"Does this dress make me look fat?"

Varian facepalmed his forehead.  Carlos cleared his throat, looking away.  "That's not a dress..." he mumbled.

"Does anybody have some bacon?"  Dude inquired.  The crowd of pirates laughed.

"Hand over the wand," Uma demanded as she held out her hand.

"Give me Ben!"  Mal shouted.

Uma smirked, definitely pleased that it was Mal that sounded more desperate this time.  Uma nodded to Harry.  "Cut his ropes." Hook cut off Ben's restraints.

Both Uma and Mal grasped the wand and then Mal took Ben's hand.  She let go of the wand and pulled up the king in the same motion.  The crowd of pirates cheered.  Mal began gently pushing Ben away from the pirates.  "Ben, let's go.  Trust me."

Uma pointed the wand to the sky.  "Yes!"  She said the spell in a rush but nothing happened.  Eyes widening, she looked back at Mal.  "No!"   She snapped the wand in two.  "You do not get to win every time!"

"Now!"  Mal cried.

Carlos used his slingshot to throw the smoke bombs.  Jay started passing out the swords that Lonnie brought to all the group.  Varian fingered his solution, knowing too well that he wasn't going to be excluded from this battle.  Even if he knew Uma wouldn't hurt him, that she knew he didn't out right betray her.  He had told her earlier, even if it was through code.  However, there were some, like Harry, he was concerned about.

The smoke bombs kept the pirates on the ship while they prepared themselves for the wave.

Pirates suddenly began swinging over.  Varian muttered to himself for not expecting them to do otherwise, but they soon landed on the ground.  That gave him the opportunity to throw his alchemy balls at his opponents.  The balls exploded and a sticky pink goop covered their feet, making it impossible for them to move from that spot.

"Alright!"  Jay grinned.  Varian felt an itch of pride to be praised from Jay like that.

"Varian!  Behind you!"  Carlos warned, but couldn't get to his twin.

Varian whirled around, finding Harry inches from him.  Fumbling with his alchemy, it kept slipping through his fingers.  He stumbled backwards, trying to gain more time.  He yelped when Harry's hook clashed with Jay's sword.  Varian gaped at Jay who had jumped in to his rescue at the last minute.  Not wasting a moment, Varian left the scene, trying to find Uma.

"Looking for me?"

The voice came from behind him.  He turned to it with a smirk.  "Uma."

"You knew it was fake?"

He shrugged.  "It was entertaining to watch everyone fight of a useless stick, but take this."  He whispered the last part and snuck her an object without anyone noticing.  "It will only open a little area, but it won't last long.  Chances are is that it will stop working after five seconds and won't work again.  It isn't very good."

"Thanks, V."

"Now, for show purposes..." Varian suddenly slammed a goo trap onto Uma's feet.  She cried out in genuine frustration, obviously not pleased with her predicament.  Varian knew that she was about ready to kill him, so he took that as his cue to run.

"Go, go!"  Mal directed everyone across a bridge and into a tunnel.  Mal crossed once the test of the team had, and pushed the bridge off.  The pirates couldn't follow them.  Uma shrieked again in her anger, slicing the air with her sword.

Yo, whoa, whoa, whoa, yo, oh, whoa, woa, oh
Yo, whoa, whoa, whoa, yo, oh, whoa, whoa, oh

Uma, Uma, Uma, Uma

U:What's my name?
What's my name?
What's my name?
Say it now!

Also, sorry for the small delay.  Sword fighting scenes aren't typically my best writing area, so I spend a lot of time on them.  Hope you enjoyed it!

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