I already know you're smart

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"Can I ask you something?" You ask your girlfriend, Taylor. 

"Of course, honey. What is it?" You could hear a hint of worry in her voice.

"You'd still stay with me, even though you may find out something different about me, right?"

Taylor looked back at you with a look of disbelief. You never told her about your high IQ due to what it did to your past relationships and you didn't want to lose Taylor over it. You and Taylor had entered a game show together, and you knew she had one hell of a brain. But at the same time, you were self conscious about how she might react around you when your intelligence is revealed to her.

"Of course I would, honey. What makes you think otherwise?" She asked you. It was when the theme song to jeopardy started playing just as you were about to answer her question given to you.

You were both on the same team and as questions were throwing at you and everyone else, you were the one who answered most of the questions correctly. While you were being given death glares from the other contestants, Taylor wrapped her arm around your shoulder during commercial break and whispered something in your ear.

"I already knew you were very smart when I first met you, and I greatly admire that about you. I'm proud of you for it, I'm proud of you for just being you. I will always stand by your side. I love you too much to let you go over something so silly and stupid as that or any reason at all."

You look up at her with a smile as she leaned in and planted a soft kiss to your lips just as you were back on the air.

"And we're back!" The host announced excitedly, just as he spotted you and Taylor sharing a kiss.

"We're back with a kiss that is now going to be seen around the world"

Laughter was the first thing that came from the audience as it had turned into an applauses, and even some wolf whistles.

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