Coffee Splurge

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Just like Taylor, you had your heart set on your passion for a career in music and you were currently working hard on making that dream come true and making it into the big world.

Getting Taylor's help to launch your music career was a generous thought from her, but you wanted to do it yourself; on your own. This was your long term, lifetime goal and you were bound to keep working and to never give up on it. A lot of musical instruments were your friends, but no more than the piano. As of your younger years, you had taken piano lessons throughout your whole childhood and were an expert at it. You loved the way your fingers would bounce off the keys to each note the melodies you  had played; a lot of your favorites and a lot written by you.

One day, you were sitting in a comfortable position with your legs crossed on your couch as you were scrolling through Facebook when you started reading over something that had your complete attention. Not far from your home, no more than ten feet away sat an old run down coffee shop that was often visited by you and Taylor,  posting they were looking for a young musician to come audition to provide beautiful music with the instrument you know so well, the very best. After reading through it, you decided that it was legit enough for you to instantly start filling out an application without thinking to have Taylor go over this with you as the re of a second opinion.

Taylor walks in and sees that you're typing away on your laptop. It was when you hit the send button when she asked what you were doing.

"What are you doing, sweetie?" You look up to see her greeting you with a warm smile, and you return it before responding.

"I just filled out an application down at the coffee shop we both like to go to."

"What's the application for?"

Instead of answering right away, you motion for her to come sit next to you; and she did. You sat comfortably as she places your legs across her lap when you show her the computer screen. The whole time she had read it, you watch carefully as her beautiful eyes that held light and the love she had for you only, scanned over before  looking up at you once again. Taylor smiles warmly at you before she speaks.

"I forgot to mention this to you; the manager at the studio had mentioned this to me while I was telling him about you. I'm glad to see that you have ran into this, I know this is something you will be very good at and everyone will be pleased to have discovered you."

As a reply was about to fall from your lips, your phone started ringing and when you had picked it up, it turned out to be the manager asking you to come in later the same day to audition. Thanks to Taylor, she helped provided you with a keyboard to take with you for your audition and helped you set it up. Of course, you were a nervous wreck while excited at the same time as time came near. Taylor stayed behind while you had gone out, you told her what the plan was as they wanted to give you a trial day in order for them to see if this job fits well with you, while Taylor had noticed there was something odd about you by the way your body language appears.

You were telling her of the ideal plan when she had noticed something was up with you.

"So this Saturday, I'm supposed to be going in for a trial day of some sort in order for them to see if I fit well with this opportunity and-"

"Y/n, how much coffee have you had?"

"I don't know..five or six."

Drinking a lot from a beverage was something that often occurred and was how you got through your anxiety. Right now, you were shaking and bouncing off the walls as you felt quite hyper from the coffee.

Taylor eyes you carefully before adding on one more thing.

"No more coffee splurges."

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