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School was exactly being in a animals cage at the zoo, making the end of the day he like you escaping from it.

You attended the high school in your hometown and almost everyday fate seems to never serve you in your favor as you were made an easy target for bullies to pick, and torment you. However, when you walked through the school hallways, you didn't care about your piers picking on you. All that was on your mind was how much you were looking forward to having the time of your life that night as you would be experiencing your first time watching Taylor Swift perform live. It was going to be your first Taylor Swift concert so when the final bell of the day rang, you make a dash out the door with items in your arms.

Because you wanted to freshen up before the show, you were making it out to your car as quick as possible. Through the hallways, you were suddenly, yet unexpectedly, roughly shoved as your body hit the floor as the effects of the hard impact took over. You remained still when you hear your bully, Kelly McKay, and her gang circle you like a pack of hungry hyenas ready to take you as their prey. You than begin to feel pressure on your fingerings and you knew that Kelly was stepping on them with her foot, keeping you in place as she bends down to your level.

Not wanting to look at her, you keep your face hidden, even when she tells you to look at her.

"Look at me, girl."

Kelly was not only the most popular girl in school, but the school's bully. Because you weren't giving her want she wanted, she was growing more impatient and it soon turned into fury.

"I said look at me!" She takes a handful hardened grip of your hair and forced you to look at her directly.

"We have a problem here, friends. We have a loser who thinks she's worthy enough to belong."

Her friends laugh and walk by, but not without letting you off scott free. One by one they walk by and spit in your direction, and when Kelly got back on her feet, she does the same before turning to follow her friends.


Sighing, you push yourself back up and gathered your items that had scattered the floor after your fall and head out to you car, in peace thank god.


Hours later, you were standing in with the crowd at the stadium Taylor would be performing at.

Getting front row had you knowing you'd get an excellent view of her. The concert soon begins and was becoming the best night of your life. However, you fail to notice your piers were there as well, and they were right behind you out of all places.

During "Mean" was when they made you aware of their presence and started teasing you, trying to ruin your special night. You knew they were intending to start a physical fight, but their plan was unsuccessful as Taylor takes notice and pauses during the song, the band stopping with her. It was another minute before she speaks into the microphone.

"Someday, I'll be-"

The band stops as she surprisingly makes her way off stage and over to you, wanting to make sure you were okay.

"What's going on? Did I see you teasing her in a hurtful way? If so, that really disappoints me, I hate to see my fans being like that to each other."

There was no response, just the silence and that was enough to give Taylor and for her to see the truthful answer that she was right. Taylor turns back to you and offers you a friendly smile and extended her hand out to you as an invitation to follow her on stage.

"Would you like to join me on stage?"

"I would love that." You take her hand and let her lead you on stage.

Hearing you tormentors gasp, you couldn't help but feel a bit prideful when you saw the jealousy in their eyes. With all the shit they have put you through, you thought this was the best way to get back at them for it, taking this as your revenge.

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