Bike Rides

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Leaning your head back slightly and closing your eyes, to sigh happily as the warm weather was hitting against your skin as you pedaled along on your bike behind Taylor.

March was a month of mixed weather drama, one day it would be nice and warm as if winter's last chapter had finally come to a close while the next felt like winter was trying to take over the world in it's darkness. Today was a beautiful day and you took advantage of that when Taylor suggested a bike ride on the trail you both enjoyed riding. To make it more special, you had decided to pack a picnic and now you were in search of a quiet spot where you could have some privacy in the local park. Once that spot was found, Taylor is the one to set up the picnic scenery as she was the one who carried it over, and it will be your turn to be in charge of packing up and taking it home to put away until the next time you want to do this again.

It was Taylor's last day off before she has to go right back to work at the studio and she said she wanted to make this extra special because she wasn't sure when her next break would be. While you don't hold a job yourself, you stay at home and maintain keeping up on the housework.

For the meals, you had made ham sandwiches and brought along bags of chips you prepared. When you took your first bite from your sandwich, that was when you realized how hungry you were and because of that, you were the first to finish your meal. When Taylor finished her meal, the both of you layer back on the blanket, almost spooning each other. While Taylor had her arm wrapped around you, you had your head placed on her chest comfortably and every so often she would pull you close to her.

This has been such a nice day, and you both were having a pleasant time just being in each other's company that you felt the dread when it was time to go home. Taylor couldn't help but giggle when she noticed how quickly your facial expression had changed.

"Hey, don't feel so down. There will be more days like this ahead. I promise, we will do this again very soon."

Taylor is always so sweet not only to you, but to everyone else. She really amazes you of her good deeds she's feed to others who had so very little.

Normally, she would end this with a quick, soft, peck on your forehead but this time, she pinched your cheek softly and plants a soft kiss there.

"Let's head home."

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