She lets the fame get into her head and accidently hurts you

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You and Taylor had been dating for about eight months now, and you wanted to do something special for the occasion.

Taylor suggests that you go out for dinner at a restaurant you both favored and you thought this way was the perfect way to do it, and you did. There were many things, a novel long list that had your reasons for loving Taylor as much as you do, the love you had for her. Tonight would be the first time ever to have given you a reason not to after what went down for a brief moment. You had been waiting for your meal that you ordered for about forty five minutes now and while Taylor was usually patient when it comes to waiting, she was beginning to lose her patience. She really seemed to be out of character tonight and that scared you, almost chilling you to your bones.

It was enough to push you over the edge when an unintended argument broke between you. As soon as Taylor had caught sight of one of the employees, she waved him over for a confrontation.

Unaware of the reasoning, her outburst took you by surprise.

"Why the hell haven't we got our meal yet? It's been about forty five minutes now. Don't you think we've been waiting long enough? Especially for someone like me, or just me individually?"

Taken aback, you raise your hand up for a polite interruption and apologize to the employee as you politely shoo him away so that you'd be able to talk and speak up to your girlfriend, Taylor.

"What is the matter with you? Can't you be a little more patient? I know we have waited a little bit, but it's probably for minor reasons." Taylor gives you a look that if looks could kill, you'd be dead.

"What did you just say to me? What did you say to me you little shit? I'm only thinking of us and what occasion that's need to be shared in a special way at exactly this moment."

"Oh really? Because it just looked to me as if you were only thinking of yourself."

Now that got Taylor to erupt at you like a volcano, almost embarrassing you. You'd be lying if you were to say you hadn't felt the intentions to let tears lose from the hurtful things she had just said. The hurt she caused you just now, caused by her, the one who was supposed to feel nothing but love for you and was was supposed to love you as you had loved her. It was what she had said next became the final straw before you had taken off to the bathroom in tears of hurt, that you had finally allowed them to let fall.

"Do you think it's time for you to finally understand? Is it too much for you to understand that I am ALWAYS number one and you along with the rest, will always be number two?"

Taylor hadn't realized what she had just said until you took off and vanished from her view.

That was when she once realized and she immediately regretted those words, and knowing she was the cause of your hurting, made her feel more guilty than before.

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