She sees your soon to be ex girlfriend hit you, and offers you comfort

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As you and your girlfriend of three years, Jasmine Richard, walk in Target, she had split the shopping list in half and left you to go find the listed items on your part before going off herself to complete the rest.

Jasmine goes her away as you go yours, and you begin from the top of the list on your half. You and Jasmine had a diet plan and had become very strictly committed to it, you wanted to treat yourself something sweet as a reward for doing so well on it. As you look through your half of the list, you notice that it contains healthy food and Jasmine's idea for a treat is baby carrots and ranch dressing to dip them in. You enjoyed eating that as well, but you had a different idea in mind once everything on your list was crossed off. Before going to find Jasmine, you headed over to the bakery and picked up a box of the white powdery donuts with the jelly filling in them. These had always been your favorite treat ever since you were a kid and for as long as you could remember. Just as you put them in your cart, Jasmine had found you first and got mad at you when she sees what you had just put in something that wasn't on the list and screamed at you for it, scaring you half to death as she was behind you. Jasmine was the dominant one in your relationship, and was very controlling. You had found it hard on yourself to walk out on everything you and Jasmine had together, you loved her too much and would often tell yourself that she was only looking out for you and would soon change.

However, you knew that was a huge lie that was always sticking with you on your list of excuses to stay with Jasmine.

"What do you think you're doing?!" She screeched, causing you to jump and turn around.

"I was wanting to get us a little treat for us to share as a reward of our commitment of our diet plan. It's okay if we have something sweet every once in a while." You try to reason with her, but your voice shakes and you knew that she could hear it in your voice.

When she hears it, it makes her only more dominant and gives her more power over you.

"No, it's not okay, Y/n!" Jasmine was beginning to get frustrated, it scared you begin to take steps back, away from her reach.

You watch as she swipes the box out of the cart before turning back to face you. What happened next was not something you were expecting at all.

"Do you really want to gain more weight than what you already have on you?!" She raised her voice at you, catching the attention of a certain someone who remains there to make sure you were okay.

Jasmine than chucks the box of donuts on the floor hard enough to break it, in resulting making a mess.

"If you want it so bad Y/n, you just can just eat it off the floor like a dog. Go on now, eat your idea of a treat."

But you didn't follow her command, you remained still and that only made her more angry and you soon felt a sharp stinging sensation on your cheek, indicating that she had slapped you. It was with enough force that it caused you to fall backwards on the floor. Before she could do you anymore damage, harm, you felt two pairs of hands gently gripping your shoulders and helping you up from your fall. You looked up and you were quite shocked to see who the person that helped you up was.

Taylor Swift.

"Are you okay?" She asks you, you nod your head yes, but she wasn't going to let you leave with Jasmine.

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave." She says, turning to face Jasmine, as she wraps her arm around you protectively.

"Fine. We're over, Y/n. You are the most pathetic person I had ever met and my only regret is meeting you and to ever have let you in my life."

As you watch Jasmine walk away, you try and wait for your tears to come, but they never do. Rather than feeling any sadness at all, you only felt relief and happiness.

Taylor picks up another box of those donuts you tried to buy for yourself earlier before Jasmine had caught you.

"Let's go get you these donuts and then how about we hit up on Starbucks?" Taylor offers, you immediately agree.

When you and Taylor had spent that amount of time with each other, and had gotten to know each other, you both knew that you were meant for each other; made for each other.

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