She surprises you at your wedding

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Today was the big day! You and your fiancée are finally getting married, you were marrying your best friend!

As a Taylor Swift fan, you had set you music playlist for the reception with mostly Taylor Swift songs. You've looked to her, enjoyed her music, and knowing almost everything about her. It was your dream to get the chance to meet her in person and you had turned that into a long term life long goal, to meet her someday. What you didn't know was that your friends and family had put together a special surprise for your wedding day. No one except your fiancé, knows it. They had somehow managed to connect with Taylor on social media and invited her to your wedding. They weren't expecting a reply back, but to their surprise, she reached back out to them and had told them she would be there. The family had planned it so that it wasn't until your reception when they present your gift. It was so that you could focus on getting married, exchange rings and wedding vowels. Once the deal was sealed with a kiss, you and your new husband along with everyone else, headed to the great hall where your reception was taking place.

As you got closer to where guests were waiting, you could hear music playing. At first, you thought it was a recording from your playlist as 'Speak Now' was being played. The next line of the song came on before you noticed Taylor was actually there for your wedding.

"Speak now, or forever hold your peace.."

When her voice was more clear to you, you than saw her, standing just a few feet away from you, strumming her guitar. (Which she gave to you later on with her autograph on it) At first, you didn't know how to react so you were still, making eye contact with your surprise guest. When reaction finally hit you, you had said a few choice words from joy and ran up to hug her.

"No fucking way!!!" You nearly screamed, as you ran over for a hug.

Taylor returned the hug and it was almost like she didn't want to let go when you pulled away. Tears from happiness made their way down your cheeks as Taylor pulls you in for another hug, and pulls away again. Taylor couldn't help but smile wide, ear to ear. You invited her to sit at the bride and groom's table with you and she accepted your invitation. It was all just so beautiful, this was a day you would always hold to your heart and remember it always.

"Congratulations, Y/n and H/n! I'm very happy for the both of you and I wish you all the happiness and joy in the world." Taylor said.

"Thank you, Taylor. Thank you for taking time of your time to come and enjoy the day with us."

Taylor smiles sweetly at you, in which you returned.

"Can I offer you a piece of cheesecake?"

"Of course! I would love that!"

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