She's your coach on The Voice

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As you were preparing yourself to perform in front of a large audience, you were finding yourself more and more eager to impress the judges and the thought of it brought butterflies to your stomach.

You weren't usually nervous performing, so the reason for this was because you had just learned one of the judges was Taylor Swift. For as long as you can remember, she had inspired you to go as far as success in your music career and you had always looked up to her. If you won this thing, you were going to nominate her as your voice coach. Ironically, the song you'd be performing was one of her songs, "Bad Blood" and you couldn't feel anymore excited than you were right now. As you were warming up your voice, you nearly missed your name being announced, signaling it was your turn to shine. Once out there, you had a big grin on your face as you exchanged a few words with the judges.

"So, Y/n, what song will you be performing for us today?"

"Bad Blood." You say into the microphone, the crowds erupt in cheers and if you weren't mistaking, you thought Taylor gave you a small smile.

Excitement pumped through your veins as the tune to "Bad Blood" had come on, than you started using your voice. It was incredible and it was such an honor to be doing this and not giving up on your dreams for your music career.

"Band-Aids don't fix bullet holes.."

As the song continued, all the judges were now  facing you and you knew that you had won them your voice. The song had come to an end and when you've made more small talk, it was now time to pick a voice coach. Though you had already decided it to be Taylor, you still gave yourself a minute to decide because you didn't want to seem too judgmental of picking who you wanna work with.

"Taylor, I would very much love for you to be my voice coach and would love to work with you on improving my voice."

"I'd be honored to coach you." She says, giving you a small, kind smile in which you had returned.

You were ready to take on the path to success of your music career in the future.

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