Falling asleep in the car

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Taylor had helped you out to the car as you were discharged from the hospital you had gone to for surgery.

The reasoning of the surgery was removing your tonsils, and your throat was going to be sore the next few days and you were ordered to take it easy the rest of the week. Taylor was there to take care of you and once in the car, you complained about your throat being sore like never before so she got the idea to go get ice cream on the way home. Taylor thought the ice cream would maybe help your sore throat, as you were still in and out of it, you were confused as to why she stopped at Dairy Queen instead of going home. As she pulls up to the drive thru menu, you ask her and she explains it to you. The reaction she got from you was not one she was expecting to get, but it made her realize you were still being effected by the hospital drugs.

"Why are we here?" You ask in a drowsy, croaked tone of voice.

"I thought you might like some ice cream for your throat, honey." What came next took her by  surprise and shock, and a little humorous.

"I don't have that kind of money to afford us any ice cream." You say, Taylor laughs a little bit.

When she saw the tears running down your cheeks, she reassured you that it was okay and she had it covered and not to worry, than asked what kind you wanted.

"Don't worry, sweetheart, I've got it covered." She leans in and plants a soft kiss to your forehead before placing the orders.

You were in the middle of eating your ice cream as you begin to get more and more sleepy from the car ride home. You tried your hardest to fight it and to finish your treat, eventually you lost the battle and let yourself fall asleep, with your ice cream in hand. Taylor didn't realize you had fallen asleep until she heard your ice cream hit the floor as it fell from your hand. When she heard the sound, she turns and looks over to you and sees that your ice cream and fallen on the floor in between your feet.

The scene was too much for Taylor to not smile as she saw you had fallen asleep and again, couldn't help but smile softly as she watched you, as you looked like you were at peace and having sweet dreams on the car ride home.

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