1: 🍞 A Knead for Change

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There's something about being a child and waiting to turn eighteen. It's only two numbers but they signify something greater. Something like freedom to go out and return whenever one pleases. Curfews are done away with and that age means from now on, everyone must treat him or her as an adult no matter what and they must acknowledge they are capable of making their own decisions. One can even buy a house if they so pleased.

But the thing about anticipating turning eighteen is that children tend to only think about the things they can't do at the present moment and they never consider the things that turning eighteen would mean they'd have to do.

For example, there's no longer juvenile prison. Being eighteen means a criminal serves time like an adult no matter what. When children turn eighteen, their parents are no longer legally responsible for them. So that means when a person moves out, they take full responsibility for themselves. Taking responsibility for themselves means they choose their own curfew, pay their own bills, solve most of their own problems and choose their own path.

And the problem is, none of that is easy. Being responsible for oneself is a hard job if taken seriously. There's mental health, physical health, safety, personal needs, emotional needs and the one thing that comes with being an adult in almost every case. Sexual needs.

For Harry Styles, he does a pretty good job taking care of himself. He's twenty five, working a job, renting a condo and as far as his health goes, he's strong and thriving. But that one thing that comes with being an adult, well... he's still figuring out the ropes of it all and he's still learning that it's to be taken just as seriously as anything else about himself.

For him, filling his sexual needs is seen as just fun. He doesn't quite understand that having his sexual needs met is actually necessary and that it helps contribute to all other needs. Like his mental and emotional needs. So that's why he doesn't mind settling for a blowjob in the bathroom of a club when some half drunk guy is seducing him with liquor on his breath and then waking up the next day without even remembering what the guy even looked like.

Some people would refer to him living a premarital promiscuous lifestyle as "sowing his wild oats". Meaning that he was with many different partners until he was finally ready to settle down with "the one" and make them his permanent partner. But Harry just calls it being at least eighteen and able to do whatever he wants. Because that's a good way to call it too.

"It's so great being an adult." Harry says to his best friend, the one and only Liam Payne.

They're currently standing at the bar in the club and some blonde haired guy named Avery has just told Harry he'll be back to go home with him after he lets his friend know he's leaving.

"Why? Because of the flings?"

"Well, yeah. Imagine if we were still teenagers living with our guardians. There's no way we could stay out late like this and pick up guys. Or in your case, girls."

"True. Nor could we take anyone home."

"Exactly. Being an adult is nice because you get to benefit from all the things adults can do, yet still act immature sometimes."

Liam chuckles. "Yeah, but you still have to be responsible. You've really got to stop sticking your dick in these dudes with no condom. Either you start playing it safe or you find one person you can trust and stick with them."

Harry scoffs. "Stick with one person when I can go out every week, pick up a different person, have a little fun and send them home so I can be alone the rest of the week? Yeah right. You must not know me very well."

"Actually I know you too well. And I'm scared that you're gonna be fucked one day."

"Liam, we both know I don't ever get fucked."

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