34: 🥭 GO and Get Your MAN

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"I do have to say it was pretty interesting to write it." Zayn is saying to Walter as they're on his living room couch together. "I had a lot of fun. And staying in the cabin was nice too. Gave me lots of inspiration. Which I'm in desperate need of now. I was taking a break from writing and only teaching classes but I'm back at it so..."



"Then where would you want to go?"

"What do you mean?"

"To get inspiration."

"Oh. The ocean is my next place without a doubt."

"What about out of the country?"

"Ah, I don't know about all that. I think I'm just interested in the ocean. I just know it's peaceful there and I know the view from the beach is breathtakingly beautiful."

He smiles at Zayn. He adores the way Zayn hasn't really been many places. It gives him the opportunity to show him something new. "You can see the ocean and bask on the beach in any country. I know they're a lot more than two hours away from this city but I would be thrilled to take you there for your inspiration."


"Of course."

Zayn opens his mouth to speak but he doesn't really know what to say. So he ends up not saying anything. He's been out of the country only once and it wasn't too far away at all. But Walter wants to change that. It's a very sweet offer and one of which he really didn't expect to happen so soon.



"Can I kiss you?"

The truth is, this would be their first kiss and Zayn isn't sure if he's truly ready for it yet. But he still nods and then closes his eyes to brace for it anyway. He figures it's the least he can do when he's sitting in a living room full of pink and white roses on Valentine's Day. Besides, he will probably enjoy it more than he thinks.

However, just when their lips are about to touch, the doorbell rings. Not just once but four times. So they back away from each other.

"Who is that?" Walter asks.

"I don't know. I'll go check."

"And I'll come with you."

Zayn rises from the couch and makes it to the door with Walter following close behind. But he doesn't just open the door. First, he peeks out of the window. And when he sees who's standing there, he gasps.

"Oh my gosh. I can't believe he's here."

Before Walter can ask him who he's referring to, Zayn swings the door wide open. Now he can clearly see who he is and he's standing there with a bouquet of red roses in his hands.



"What are you doing here?"

"Being honest."

Zayn is confused. "Being what?"

"I was wrong. And I want to apologize to you and tell you how wrong I was and how I really feel. But I can't do it with this goofy looking heart doctor staring in my face."

Walter is obviously offended but he's more surprised that Harry is even here to call him that in the first place.

"Uh, Zayn. I'll just go and give you some privacy."

"No. It's fine. He's leaving."

"No really. You two should talk. Just give me a call when you're finished."

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