32: 🥛 How Dairy Use You That Way

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It's after Zayn's meeting with the film director and producer. And though they haven't finalized anything, they have made plans for another meeting. Apparently the producer definitely wants to fund this film. And because of it, they're pulling up in the driveway of the Bosse's to celebrate.

"Are you sure you're really up for a celebration? You could always tell your mother you're busy or something and that you want to celebrate later." Niall suggests.

"No. I don't want to lie to her. And also... I want to tell her what happened. At least it would make her happy to know she was right about Harry."

Niall smiles sadly at him. "Well I'm here if you need me."

"I know."

When they get out of the car, they realize Zayn's mother must have heard them pull up because she is already there at the door waving them in excitedly. So they rush up to the door and inside out of the cold.

"Hi, baby. I didn't know you were dropping by. How was the meeting?"

"It was great." Zayn says.

"Really? You don't sound like it went great."

"Trust us. It did." Niall says. "The producer verbally agreed to fund it. We still have to meet again to finalize some stuff. You know, legal things. So I've got Zayn's lawyer already ready."

"Good, Niall. Let's make sure my baby doesn't get messed over."

"Don't worry."

She bounces excitedly. "Well, why don't we go have a seat in the living room and talk more about this meeting because I want to know exactly how it went. In the meantime how about champagne to celebrate?"

"Actually, mom." Zayn says. "I've been cold all day. I'd like it better if I had something warm to drink instead."

"Sure. Anything you want. You're the one who's great enough to have his story made into a movie."

While she disappears into the kitchen to make their beverages Zayn turns to Niall.

"Hey listen, when we finish talking about the meeting, I'm going to just go right into the whole Harry situation and get it over with. So do you think you could... you know, go to another room while I do that?"

"Of course, Zayn."


Soon after, she returns with three cups of hot tea on a tray with other things.

"I have hot green tea for everyone. There's sugar and honey if you'd like. And I thought these cucumber sandwiches would be lovely as well so I made them quickly. They're not organic, Zayn. But they are healthy."

"Thank you."

"Yes, thank you."

"You're welcome." She takes a seat across from them. "Now tell me about that meeting. I'm anxious."

Telling her about the meeting is a rather easy task to do. Zayn loves how excited his mother gets just hearing about it regardless of if anything is finalized or not. She's just excited about the idea that a movie could mean her son would be even better off monetarily than he already is.

When they've finished talking about the meeting, Zayn sits his cup down on the tray.

"Would you like some more tea?" Patricia asks.

He shakes his head. "No. I'm warm enough now."

"Good." She sets her own cup down. "Now would you mind telling me why that smile hasn't genuinely reached your eyes despite talking about having your book made into a Hollywood film?"

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