27: 🍚 Let's Watch the Sun Rice

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"Okay, what's everyone's New Year's resolution?" Liam asks." He, Zayn, Harry and Bobbie are all sitting at the bar in the nightclub. It's late and they're here to celebrate the coming of the new year due to arrive in about thirty minutes.

"Mine is to finally open a beauty shop." Bobbie says. "I already do hair but not officially. So I want to make it official."

"That's a great goal, baby. My goal is to purchase a house. I'm tired of my crappy apartment."

"That would be top tier." Harry says. Then we could party at your place."

"Uh, no." Liam says. "No parties at my house. I don't trust you or anyone else like you partying around my things."

"Harsh." Harry says. But he knows Liam is just joking. Mostly.

"So what's your resolution, Harry?"

"Um..." He thinks. Bobbie and Liam have been doing more dancing while he and Zayn have been sitting and drinking for a while so he's not totally mentally there. "Um... right now it's just to get shitfaced. I'll think about the new year when it gets here."

"Well, technically you're already near shitfaced, buddy. And you have a half hour to think about it. Zayn, what's your New Year's resolution?"

He shakes his head. "Nope."

"Nope, what?"

"I won't say."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to say it here. It's really not the right place especially while I'm liquored up like this."

"You don't have to say it exactly if you don't want us to know what it is.  Generalize it for us."

That seems like the much better way to answer so he thinks for a moment. "Okay. I want this choice that I've made to set the course for me for the rest of my life."

"Wow." Liam says. "Sounds deep. And a lot better than getting shitfaced."

"And a lot better than getting shitfaced." Harry mocks and it makes Zayn laugh, not that the behavior of either one of the two doesn't have anything to do with already being tipsey.

"Hey, if you want to get shitfaced, that's on you. But Bobbie and I are going to mingle and dance for a while. By the way, I already called a cab for us because we're not going to stay into the morning and party. The driver will be here to pick us up at twelve ten. So decide what you want to do before you're too drunk to be able to do it. Cause I don't want to be gone before you do and leave you stuck with people who don't care about you."

"Yeah, yeah."

When Bobbie and Liam go off together, Zayn faces Harry.

"If you are planning to get even more drunk, I know the perfect way to do that."

"And what way is that?"

"A little game I learned at that Halloween party we went to."

Harry's scoffs. "Oh you mean when that bartender tried to take advantage of you?"

"Yeah. That."

"Hmm. You were pretty drunk after four shots."

"And a few sips of your famous vodka and tonic."

"Ah, really? I like that you order my drink even when I'm not with you."

"That's because I was thinking about you."

"And I'm thinking about you too baby. Right now."

Zayn smiles and it's a surprise when Harry leans forward to kiss him. It's kind of sloppy but still sweet and wonderful. So even when he pulls away, Zayn wishes they could just sit here and kiss like that all night.

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