30: ☕ Sniffling, Sneezing and Coffee

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Liam is startled when he hears loud knocking on his door later in the day. But he still rises from the couch he's stretched out on and makes his way to see who it is. Somehow even though he expected it to be Harry, he wasn't expecting it to be Harry.

"Why are you knocking so loud?" He asks once the door is open. "I have neighbors, you know."

"I know. I'm sorry. But man, I have to talk to you. Now."

Liam suddenly looks concerned. "Come in."

He steps back so Harry can come in and when he does, he closes and locks the door.

"What happened? Is everything alright?"

"He's my Avery." He says.


"Zayn... I thought there was an understanding but obviously there isn't. He's my Avery."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because he loves me."

Liam is shocked. "Wow. He actually said that?"

"No. He didn't say it."

"Then how do you know he loves you? That's pretty presumptuous isn't it?"

Harry looks embarrassed and rightfully so.

"I stole his personal writing journal this morning and I read it."


"I know it was a shitty thing to do but I'm telling you. When we got drunk on New Year's Eve, he said something about how he felt about me. You know I can remember some things when I'm drunk. Well I remembered that and I just had to see for myself."

"So you invaded his privacy. Obviously if he wrote it down without telling you, he didn't want you to know yet, Harry."

"I know. But I don't care about that. I'm not interested in falling in love with anybody. That's not me. So I have to end it."

Liam looks both upset and disappointed. He shakes his head. "See? I knew it... I knew it."

"Knew what?"

"That you were going to pull something like this. Just when I was coming to terms with the way things were, you go and prove me right."

He holds his arms out. "What? So now you're blaming me for this like it's my fault he caught feelings?"

"Yes. I am. Because it is your fault. You know why? Because you strung him along. Meeting his parents, going to family dinners, taking him out with you to meet your friends. You even told me that you were upset because you thought Zayn wasn't going to tell your mother who you really were that day at the pumpkin patch."

"Except that wasn't because I actually cared about meeting his parents. I didn't care if they never knew who I was or not. I only wanted Zayn to tell her because she was right there. You can't tell me you wouldn't have been pissed if you'd spent an hour with her and left without Zayn ever giving her some sort of indication that you weren't just simply friends. That would be insulting."

"Maybe so. But when it comes down to it, you weren't playing by your own rules and it cost you. Did I not tell you that if you kept carrying on that way, there were going to be feelings? I knew that because I've seen it before with other friends. And you are foolish if you think it's not going both ways."

Harry is offended by that last statement as Liam walks past him.

"When pigs fly, that will be the day that I'll ever let myself fall for any man. Especially that man."

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