8: 🍅 It's Like Rolling Dice

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The entire time when things were changing unbeknownst to Harry- when Zayn was preparing for his book signing at the mall, when he signed up for online dating, when Zayn met Joseph and when he broke up with him- only one thing was a constant in Zayn's life. Every Friday, no matter what, he could depend on Harry following a routine.

Harry shows up at six o'clock to taste whatever new food item Zayn has planned to introduce to him. He stays there ten or fifteen minutes, then he has Zayn sign the order form and he leaves. The only problem with that is the month Harry agreed to comes to an end today and Zayn is beginning to wonder what Harry has taken from the experience. If he's learning anything at all or if he just sees Zayn as someone he can get free food from once a week.

The reason he wonders about that is because there is something odd about all the visits Harry has had. Because the visits are so short, they never ever have time for any conversation and they never get to know each other personally. It's not like Zayn to invite someone into his home multiple times and not know much about who they are. So he figures it would be great to ask him to stay for dinner. And then he can formally get to know who he's invited into his home.

"Uh, Harry." He quickly says when he sees Harry getting his order form and pen out.


"You probably noticed that the ingredients you've been tasting the last five weeks have something in common. The olives, peppers, cheese, tomatoes and now the pepperoni you tasted today."


"They're ingredients for a pizza." He answers for him.

"Right." Harry replies as he thinks back. "Not an accident, I'm assuming."

"You're assuming right. The reason I did that is because I was hoping that I could get you to stay for dinner since this is the last week of the month you agreed to come by. And since you know all the ingredients taste great separately, you know they will taste great together too. So I was thinking I could combine all the things you've tried to make an organic pizza for you to try."

Harry is a little shocked by his invitation. "Really?"

"Yes. Really." Zayn walks over to the refrigerator and takes out a package. "This is an organic pizza crust. It's already made so it won't take long at all. All I have to do is put the ingredients on it and bake it in the oven. What do you say to that?"

"I didn't know they made organic pizza crust. That's a new one to me."

"Yeah. It's delicious too. And I want you to try it. That way if we never get to do this again, you at least get to say you have had a fully organic meal once in your life."

To be honest. Harry would rather not. Eating and leaving has been just fine for him. But Zayn is smiling at him right now and for some reason the smile isn't fully reaching his brown eyes like it normally does. So something must be wrong. Perhaps Zayn just needs company right now.

"I could stay."

Zayn beams with excitement and then makes his way over to the sink to wash his hands. And that's when Harry notices the other side of the sink.

"You work from home, don't you?"

Zayn looks back at him. "How did you know?"

"I've been coming by every week for a month and I've noticed there are always dishes in the sink during the day. I figured there's only two explanations for that. One, every single time I come by you just so happen to have not washed the dishes the night before. Or Two, you work from home and use those dishes during the day. The first one is possible but also unlikely. But the second makes more sense."

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