💞 Thank You

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Hello there. I just wanted to say thank you so much for reading this story. It means a lot to me how much you all participated by voting and commenting. I really hope you liked the story and if you share it with others, that would be cool too.

Once again, thank you Emmah613 for inspiring me to go on and write this. I hope you liked it and that it was what you were looking for in an age gap romance story.

Fun fact: I came up with the titles before I wrote the story. Although I knew my plot in advance, I never actually assigned titles because I had multiple puns for different items of food. That made it easier to switch them around at any point to fit the chapter I was writing. And it was fun. Hopefully they made you chuckle along the way. Which chapter title is your favorite?

Lastly, I promised artwork for this story. So if you are interested in seeing it, you will want to scroll to the next part.

Appreciate all you have done for me on this site. Loads of love.

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