23: 🍋 That Left a Sour Taste in My Mouth

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Harry's putting boxes of granola bars on the shelf when someone bumps into him from behind.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to."

"It's okay."

But when he turns to see who he bumped into, he freezes.

"Uh... Avery, what are you doing here?"

He holds up a small basket of items.

"Makes sense."

"I forgot you worked here."


It becomes awkwardly silent, so Harry turns to go back to work.

"Sometime back I saw you at the bar. It was over a month ago." Avery says.


"Yeah. You were with a man. He was older. Much older. And you kissed him."

"I did?"

"Yes. And I didn't think much of it because sometimes you do kiss people you want to take home. But then a friend of mine went to that Halloween party at the Pine Tree hotel. They said they saw you with him again."

Harry freezes for a second but then he continues to put up items. "You mean one of your little friends at the night club. One that sent you to me in the first place?"

"They said they saw you get in a cab with him and leave."

Harry turns from the shelf. "Why do you care?"

"I don't care."

"Then why are you telling me this?"

"I just wanna know if you told him."

"Told him what?"

"That you don't do anything more than twice with anyone."

Harry shakes his head. "No. Not really."

"So if he ever comes around again, will you tell him then?"


Avery frowns. "Why not?"

"Because he's not like that for me."

"What do you mean?"

"He's not a one night stand."

"What?" Avery looks hurt. "You mean you're with that man?"

Harry doesn't actually answer but staying silent instead of denying it is an answer within itself.

"But... But why?"

Harry raises his brow. "Why what?"

"Why are you with him? You said it was just about sex."

"I know I did. When I was with you. But Zayn is different."

Avery is obviously offended. "Different how? Because he's older? Or because he's not a whore who just bends over for anyone who asks like I do. Is that it?"

Harry is highly embarrassed because at that moment when he said those words, someone walked past the aisle.

"No. It's not that. I slept with anyone that would sleep with me too. But Zayn isn't that kind of man."

"Right. So you like him because he isn't easy then. You don't mind opening your heart right up for those types, I suppose."

"Whoa. You can stop right there. My heart is not open. My mind is. And it's open to having sex with one man exclusively."

"So then it is just about sex with him."

"No. It's more. We also opened up to each other and told each other things we never told anybody else. Combine that with what I said before and I think those two aspects are very underrated and get lost sometimes."

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