2: 🍇 Not So Grape to Meet You

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Harry is arranging canned corn on a shelf when Mr. Lou comes over to him. "Harry."

"Yes, Mr. Lou?"

"As soon as you're done with that, I need you to finish with deliveries for today. You have just two."

"Two? I thought only one person ordered today."

"Yeah but a someone else just sent in a late order for the six o'clock slot. Here's the printout of the list."

Harry takes a sheet of paper from him and glances over it.

"Not bad. I'm almost finished with this anyway."


He soon finishes with the cans and then grabs a shopping cart for the items he picked out as he walks around the store. Then he takes them to the front and begins to transfer the items into bags at the front counter.

As he's bagging them, someone comes up to him.

"Excuse me. Sorry if I'm disturbing you."

He looks up to see a man with dark hair looking at him.

"No. You're not disturbing me. I was just getting this order ready to be delivered. What can I do for you?"

"I heard from a friend that your store has an organic foods section with a large selection of choices now."

Oh great. A health nut. Harry turns his face up at him before he realizes it but quickly settles it.

"Yes. We do but most of it is on the same aisle for now."

"Could you direct me to it then?"

"Eh... yeah."

"Can I help you?" That voice belongs to Mr. Lou.

Harry is happy to pass the customer off to him. "This man wants to see our organic food section. Can you show him? I'm busy."

"Of course. You can follow me."

The man walks off behind Mr. Lou.

"I didn't know your store did delivery."

"Oh yes. We certainly do. All Greenwell Grocery stores just started doing it a month ago. Ever since we started doing it, there's been a spike in business."

"Well, people do like convenience."

"True that. And if you decide you want our store to deliver to your home, it's just a matter of signing up online. That's all."

"That's okay. I don't mind coming in the store. I need to get out more anyway."

They finally make it to the section and Mr. Lou stands back.

"Well, here we are. The organic aisle. We've never had this many organic products before so we're still in the process of making room on the other aisles for it. So we just put all the new stuff on the same aisle for now. Except the produce which is labeled in the produce section. Sorry about that. Soon we'll have the rest of the organic items on the aisles next to their corresponding goods as usual."

"That's okay. I already see what I'm looking for. Thanks a lot."

By the time Mr. Lou leaves the man to come to the front, Harry is finishing up.

"I can't stand his type."

"Whose type?"

"That man. I mean, did you see him? Health nuts, organic food shoppers, vegans, vegetarians. They're all the same. Them and their oh I'm so good, I'm saving the planet one expensive head of lettuce and one less butchered animal at a time. It urks me."

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