24: 🌶 It's Chili Out Here

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Anne has always loved for Harry to celebrate Thanksgiving with her and her family. In fact, she'd already prepared for him to be there and do just that this year. So when Harry just up and told her a friend invited him to dinner with his family and he wanted to go there, she couldn't believe what she was hearing. She tried to pry out of him who his friend was and why he was so special that he'd skip Thanksgiving with her for him. But Harry knew he hadn't told her about Zayn yet and hadn't really planned to do so anytime soon. So he just told her it was someone he and Liam went drinking with and left his lie at that.

Thanksgiving day has arrived and since Harry is the guest, Zayn is the one who picks him up and takes him to his mother's house.

"Are you sure Anne was okay with this?" Zayn asks again.

"Yeah. She told me to go have fun. Why? I am an adult, Zayn."

"I know."

"So I can go wherever I wish without getting permission."

"I know that too. That's not why I asked. I just wanted to make sure she won't hate me. We already have one thing going against us and I don't want her to think I'm manipulating you into doing things my way just because I'm older."

"I know." He says. "But it's okay. She doesn't hate you. And she doesn't think you're manipulating me either. I promise."

"Good." Zayn is thinking now. "Did she say anything about me though?"

"Like what?"

"Like... wanting to meet me or something."

"Oh. No."


Harry looks over at Zayn. By the look on his face, he has a feeling that Zayn himself wants to meet her. Maybe he wants to feel like he's special by being introduced to the woman who raised him. Whatever the reason is, Harry isn't sure he's ready for that yet.

"Maybe soon." He lies.

When they arrive at the house of Mr. and Mrs. Bosse, there's a navy blue Porsche in the driveway.

"That's odd." Zayn says as he pulls in behind it.

"What's odd?"

"This Porsche."

"That's not Mr. Bosse's?"

"No. He drives a Jaguar. I don't know who this car belongs to. I've never seen it before."

"Maybe they got a new car. Guess we'll find out."

"If I really want to." Zayn says.

They both get out and go up to the front door. Sometime after Zayn rings the doorbell, the door opens to Patricia wearing a big smile.

"Son, you made it. We've been waiting for you to get here." She says. "Harry..."

It's a half acknowledgement but it's an acknowledgment nonetheless.

"Hello, Mrs. Bosse."

"Come in. Dinner is almost ready. Why don't you go into the living room and have a seat."

"You don't need help, mom?"

"No I do not. Go do what I said. We have a guest and he needs someone to keep him company."

"It's okay. Harry doesn't mind if I help you."

"Yes, but I think Walter might mind."


"Living room, darling."

Curious as to what's going on, Zayn makes his way to the living room with Harry behind him. When they get there, they see a very well dressed and handsome man who looks to be around Zayn's age. He stands up to meet Zayn.

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