31: 🥬 Leaf Me Be

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It's two days later while Zayn is vacuuming his living room carpet when he faintly hears his doorbell. So he turns the vacuum cleaner off and makes his way to the window to see who it is. He is shocked to see Harry standing there rocking back and forth as if he's nervous about something. So he quickly opens the door.

"Harry." He says.


The first thing he notices is that Harry has his arms folded across his stomach and by the look of his shirt, he seems to be hiding something underneath it. But he doesn't comment on it.

"Come on in."

When Harry does, Zayn locks the door and follows him to the livingroom.

"So what are you doing here? Niall told me that you were sick. I wanted to call or come by but he said you didn't want me to."

Harry shrugs. "I told him that because I'm better now." He lies.

"I can see."

Harry looks around the room before staring at the couch. He's been working to get it out of his head but being back here is just pushing that damn memory to the forefront again.

"I had something here I needed to get so that's why I dropped by."

"What is it?"

"Something of mine. I'll be back."

Though Zayn is curious, he doesn't question him or follow him. Instead he takes a seat on the couch and waits for him to return.

A few minutes later, Harry returns with hands no longer clutching against his stomach. Instead, they're clasping the handles of a bag. It's his duffle bag that he brought over a while back.

"Is that what you came for?" Zayn asks.

Harry nods. "Yeah."

"Why are you taking it?"

Harry sighs up at the ceiling. Even if he's not particularly ready for this, he has to do it and he has to do it now because he's already gone a week and two days without doing it.

"Zayn. We're over."

There's a silence.


"I'm sorry. But I just can't do this anymore."

Zayn stands up from the couch. "What do you mean you can't do this? What are you doing?"

"It's not what I'm doing. It's what I'm not doing." Harry licks his lips. "I know you think I'm an asshole but... I have my reasons for ending this. I'm sorry. I've gotta go."

Zayn scoffs at him as he starts to walk away.

"So that's what kind of man you want to be?"

Harry freezes. It sounds like Zayn's about to question his decision but at the expense of attacking his manhood. "What?"

"You... you used me by asking to come over for dinner, steal my journal, don't come by or call or answer the phone for nine days and then just show up and take everything that belongs to you so you never have to see me again?"

Harry now turns to him. He doesn't say anything.

"What? Did you think I was an idiot? Did you think you could just show up here today with it hiding under your shirt and I wouldn't notice it? A journal doesn't just suddenly disappear. I keep it in the bedroom at all times so I never lose it. Why'd you take it?"

Harry knows he's been caught redhanded so he doesn't even bother to deny the accusation. But he doesn't acknowledge it either.

"Do you even remember when we went out and celebrated New Year's?"

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