29: 🥕 A Very Root Thing I've Done

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"I'm so glad that you suggested we cook dinner together tonight." Zayn says as he plops down on the couch next to Harry with a big glass of red sherry wine to match Harry's. They'd still had two whole unopened bottles left from Zayn's birthday party so Zayn and his mother each took one home.

"I'm glad too. That pan-fried salmon was delicious."

"It was, wasn't it?"

"Mhm. Now all we are missing is a really good cuddle. Keep each other nice and warm, yeah?"

When Zayn sees him put his glass down and hold his arms out for him, he puts his glass down and loses himself in them. It's nice to have somebody to hold him like this. Harry has no clue how this makes him feel.

"Harry." He calls softly.


"Do you ever just... think about where you are in your life and with whom?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean like... do you ever just stop and look at the people around you and in your life? You know, appreciate how far you've come with them and hope that it tells the story of where you're going with them?"


"Well I do. All the time. Especially lately."


"Yeah. It helps to do that at times. So you don't lose sight of what's real. Especially as you get older."

Harry chuckles. "You know how you sound right now?"


"Like you're writing another one of your romance novels."

Zayn sits up with a smile. "That's because I am. Except this one is in my head."

"Yeah? What's it about?"

"I can't tell you."

"Why not?"

"Because I can't. I never tell my story ideas until I get them written down. It's a secret."

He reaches for Zayn's hand so that he's playing with his fingers. "Ah, I see... Must be a pretty powerful secret then if you have to write it first."

"It is."

"How powerful?" He questions.

Zayn looks Harry in the eye. "Powerful enough to set a course for me for the rest of my life."

"Wow. Then it is powerful."


"Is it powerful enough to motivate you to kiss me though?"

Zayn laughs quietly. "Definitely powerful enough to do that."

He extends his neck to kiss him, feeling Harry's tongue move perfectly with his. As if his mouth is always where his tongue belongs.

As he's kissing him, he can feel Harry's hands grip him by the waist and pull at his body and it's clear he wants him over in his lap. So since Harry is already sort of slouched on the couch, it makes it easier for Zayn to climb over and fit his knees at both sides of Harry's thighs. Before he can even sit down all the way, Harry already has his hands up the back of Zayn's shirt feeling the soft skin of his back. That feeling makes Harry wish his mouth was tasting other parts of his body. So he moves his lips to Zayn's neck and pulls his head back by his hair to gain full access to it without interference.

Having his hair pulled back like that lights something in Zayn. It turns him on in ways he could only have imagined and written for his stories up until Harry came into his life. Just the idea that someone is sometimes willing to treat him this way makes him so horny that all he can think about is satisfying Harry. He doesn't necessarily care about getting naked first in order to do it either.

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