21: 🥔 Sort of Kind of Mashed Together

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The next morning when Zayn wakes up, Harry isn't in bed with him. But his side is messy from where he'd been sleeping the night before. He rolls over in an attempt to get up and he realizes he has a terrible headache, his stomach hurts and his mouth is dry. He needs to get up and take something right away.

But as he's planting his feet on the ground, the door to his room opens and in walks Harry.

"Oh, you're up. I was just about to come wake you."

He has a bottle of water and a plate in his hand.

"You were?"

"Yeah. I made you breakfast."

When Harry sits the plate down on his nightstand, Zayn sees banana slices and toast with honey drizzled on it.

"That's breakfast?"

"Yep. I know it's not your typical breakfast but it's a hangover remedy you can find online. I found it some time back and I can personally say it works. Especially because it's easy on the stomach."

Zayn puts a hand over his stomach. "Good. Because I'm feeling nauseous right about now. And this headache is killing me."

"Yeah. About that. I knew you'd have a headache so I went looking everywhere for medicine. But I couldn't find any. I thought it'd be in your medicine cabinet or in your nightstand since those are common places for that kind of stuff."

Zayn pauses. "What?"

"What?" Harry echoes but with a different tone.

"You searched my house?"

"For the medicine, yeah."

"And you looked in my nightstand?"


Suddenly Zayn looks distressed. "Why would you do that?"

"For you." He says. "So you wouldn't have to bother looking for it when you woke up."

But Zayn sighs and fights the water in his eyes that's threatening to release. "You shouldn't have done that." He scolds.

"Why not?"

"Don't pretend, Harry." He says fearing to look Harry in the eye. "Don't pretend like you didn't see my personal things in there. Don't do that."

This time a tear does fall. So Harry drops to his knees.


"You see me differently now, don't you?"

"No. Why would I see you differently?"

"Why wouldn't you?"

"Because it's normal. A lot of people have... you know... dildos and vibrators in their homes. Many times a lot more than that. Don't be ashamed."

"But those people don't have a boyfriend who's learned that they've written books about things that turn them on in real life."

"So what? This is your home. You understand? I'm just a guest here. You're allowed to have whatever you want in your home, in your bedroom and in your nightstand. And you can do whatever brings you pleasure here too. I won't judge. I mean, hell, I fuck randoms for pleasure. So..."

When Harry sees the way Zayn is raising his brow, he corrects himself. "I mean I used to. Not since you and I became a thing. Randoms are off limits now. I swear."

When it becomes too quiet, he sighs and reaches up to lift Zayn's head.

"Zayn. I don't know if you're worried because you think I won't be mature about it as if I'll tease you or something but-"

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