4: 🍈 I Can'taloupe

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"Yeah, and now my wife is actually considering it just because she took care of my sister's kids for a week. And I was like, I don't think so. We're not stable enough for a baby. We should wait."

Harry is in the customer service center mindlessly listening to two men have a casual conversation while on the clock. He has to check the computer so he can fill the last order for today. It's a six oclock order.

"Okay... Let's see who this order is for... Zayn Malik? Again?"

He looks over the list and sees there is just one item. One jar of honey. But this is strange for two big reasons. The first reason is that he just saw him buy honey a week and a half ago when he came in. He doesn't think that honey was eaten already when Zayn's the only one who lives in his home. The second reason it's strange is that this honey isn't organic. So it doesn't make sense.

Curious about Zayn's purchased item, he makes his way to the aisle with honey and picks out the brand he requested.

"I'm headed out for the evening." He later tells Mr. Lou who's down the bread aisle with a clipboard and pen in his hand.

"Yeah, okay see you Monday."

He is soon inside his car and making the familiar drive to Zayn's place. After a walk up the pathway and a ring of the doorbell, Zayn finally comes to the door in tube socks, shorts and a plain red t-shirt.

"Uh... Hello, sir."

"Hello, Harry." Zayn says.

"I have your order."

"I know. You can come inside."

Since he's been inside Zayn's house before, he doesn't hesitate to come in and follow him to his kitchen again.

"Not to be nosy and intrusive," He says as he removes the jar from the bag so Zayn can see it and then pushes the order form and a pen towards him. "But I have to admit I was curious when I saw that you had ordered a jar of non organic honey."


"Yeah. Are you trying to throw me off or something?"

He quickly signs the order form. "Why do you say that?"

"Because last week when you came in the store, you bought a jar of organic honey."

Zayn is impressed. "Wow. So you are observant. Very nice."

"So do you mind satisfying my curiosity then?"

"Sure. But first, I am your last order of the day, right?"

Harry pauses. "Wait. You chose that time on purpose?"


"You did. But now the next question is why?"

As Harry folds the order form and puts it back in his pocket, Zayn skips over to the pantry and takes something out of it. He places the item on the counter next to the jar Harry brought.

Harry raises his brow. "Organic honey?"

"Yes. Well... Honey in general."

"For what?"

He shrugs. "Last week when we talked, I asked you if you ever had organic food and you said no. I'd like to offer you the chance to change that."


"I'm not saying you have to. It's up to you. I won't be pushy like I know others have. But I would like for you to give it a try and just see how it compares to the honey you're used to eating."

Totally Completely 100% Organic » Zarry ✅Where stories live. Discover now