10: 🥜 This is Nuts

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"The usual, Mr

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"The usual, Mr. Malik?"

"Uh... hold on." He turns to Harry who's standing next to him. "What would you like?

Harry shrugs. "Uh... I don't know. I've never been here before. So nothing, I guess."

"No. You have to have something." He turns back to cashier. "Two of the usual."

"Then that will be the usual price times two."

Zayn uses his card to pay for it, then ushers Harry to stand off to the side while he waits for his order.

"Thanks for buying me whatever it is you bought me."

"Black Boba tea and something else special."

"Cool. So this is where you always come for inspiration?"


"But how do you get new inspiration if you're always at the same place and always looking at the same people every time though?"

"Well, first of all, it isn't the only place I come. It's just my go to place. And secondly when I come here, I sit outside. I watch people go by, I imagine what their lives are like and how they might fall in love with someone else I saw that day. And if I see a couple, I imagine how they may have met each other and then fallen in love."

"What do you base it off of?"

"No one particular thing. The way they look, dress, carry themselves. Maybe a certain assessory they wear."

"Wow. So you just look at people, imagine them falling in love and base your characters off that."

"Exactly. I create a story around the outer appearance. And then I create a personality for a character based off that. It does wonders most times."

"So is that what turned you on?"


Harry chuckles when he realizes that came out wrong. "Is that what turned you on to wanting to meet someone? All this imagining and never experiencing."

"Oh. I guess you could say that. Mainly it's because I haven't been getting inspiration lately. I'm beginning to think that I'm probably just bored of imagining and now it's time to get settled with someone so I can start writng from experience this time."

"Oh. Well if that makes sense to you, it makes sense to me."

A couple minutes later, one of the cafe employees calls Zayn's name to let him know that his order is ready. So he and Harry pick up their cups and containers and then walk outside to sit at the outdoor tables.

"Here is where I sit." Zayn explains as he pulls back a chair at a table. "By the railing. Close to the sidewalk. No one really sits here so it's usually available."


"So what you can do is sit here on this side next to me. That way you can have the same view that I have.

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