17: 🥒 It's Not a Big Dill

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It's not until the weekend while Harry's sitting up in his bed, when he decides to go ahead and call Liam so he can talk to him like Zayn said.



"What's up, Harry?"

"Nothing. Uh... how are you doing?"

"I'm fine. You?"

"I'm good. How's Bobbie?"

"She's great. She's at work right now."

"Oh. Well, she's real nice. Very sweet girl."

"She is."

"And it's awesome that she likes to dance since... you like to dance. Guess that's a plus for you, huh?"

"Yes. It is a plus. But I know you didn't call to talk about me and Bobbie. So why'd you really call?"

Harry is glad Liam saw right through that. It makes it easier to tell him what he called to tell him. "For a couple of reasons. First of all, I'm sorry I blew up at you on the phone Saturday."

"It's okay."

"But I only did it because you didn't believe me. You assumed you knew why I left and that's not fair. I wasn't lying when I said I didn't go home with someone random. I really didn't. So it hurt that you didn't believe me."

"Oh. Well, I'm sorry I assumed you did then. But if that's not what you did, then why did you up and leave like that after promising you'd stay the entire time?"

"I told you. Because Zayn was my ride and he wanted to leave. My car was at his place."

"Yeah, I did see that on the napkin. But why did he want to leave? Was he not having a good time? Was it because me and Bobbie went to dance and left you alone?"

"No. It wasn't you. And see that's the other thing I wanted to talk about... I kissed him."

"You kissed him?"

"Yeah. Yesterday at the bar when you and Bobbie went dancing."

"Shit, Harry. What would you go and do that for? You can't just go kissing on random men like that."

"He's not random."

"You don't call meeting once in a grocery store random?"

"No because we didn't just meet once in a grocery store. We lied to you about that."

"You did?"

"Yes. Zayn isn't some random man that just came up to me and asked me where good hangout spots were. I've been knowing him for about two months now."

"Oh... I see."

Harry can tell by the way Liam said that that he's hurt. He must think that Harry hid Zayn from him because he'd been replacing him with a better friend until he screwed it up by kissing him. But he wants to ease his mind.

"I'm not replacing you, Liam. You're still my best friend and you'll always be. Zayn, he's just... my... you know."

Harry waits for a reaction, but the line just stays silent.


"Your what?"

"I'm seeing him now. Started this week."

"So he's your boyfriend then."

"Ah, well..."

"Well that's what he is, is he not? Why are you afraid to say it?"

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