22: 🍬 Could He? Candy?

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After just a few minutes, his phone rings and he answers immediately

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After just a few minutes, his phone rings and he answers immediately.


"Hello, Harry."

"Hi, Niall."

"What's wrong? Why'd you want me to call you right away?"

Harry stands up from the table and paces the break room. "Well, because this is the only time I can think of that I could talk to you in private. Usually when you come over, Zayn is always around."

"Right. Because that's who I'm usually there to see."

"I know. That's why I finally got your number when I saw you come up on his phone as a missed call last night."

"Aha. So that's why he didn't answer at first. He was busy with you, I guess."

"No. It's not like that. He was in the bathroom when you called."


He sighs. "Listen, Niall. I wanted to say this to you and it's important. It's about Zayn and your friendship with him."

"What about it?"

"I uh... I think you're a great friend to him. He's lucky to have you as his manager too."

"You're right about that."

"But maybe you shouldn't... you know. Tease him about what's in his nightstand."

He waits for Niall to say something in response to that. But the line remains quiet.


"I heard you."

"I'm sorry but I felt like I had to-"

"Did Zayn ask you to tell me this?"


"Then how do you know about it? I never do it around you."

"I discovered the drawer one morning when I was there and he was totally embarrassed about it. Even worried that I might see him differently. He brought up how you caught him once and you've been teasing him ever since."

"Yeah, I... I do tease him from time to time. But it's all in good fun. I didn't think that bothered him in a serious way."

"Well apparently it does. But I told him that what he does in his home is his business. And it is. Whoever doesn't live there is just a guest. And guests don't have a right to police what someone does in their own home. You understand what I'm saying right?"

Harry can't believe he even has the guts to say all that to Niall because it's so direct and pushy. He's expecting Niall to get angry with him and shout through the phone. But even though the tone of his voice conveys annoyance with him, he doesn't shout or get defensive not once.

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