6: 🍏 The Color of His Skin

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As soon as Zayn opens the door Friday evening at six o'clock, Harry smiles big and holds up a bag.

"Your olives."



"You're right on time."

"I said I would be."

"Actually you said you wouldn't be on time but we did kind of have some sort of opposite thing going on that day, didn't we?"

He steps out of the way to let Harry come in. They walk to the kitchen where an jar of organic olives is already on the counter.

"Since you're on time, can I assume you actually might be excited for this?"

He shrugs passively. "Sure. I guess you could say that. It's just green olives so I figured it can't be too bad. In the end, they all grow on trees, don't they?"

"They do."


"So how do you want to do this?"

Zayn moves to stand against the sink. There's a window above it and the curtains are open, so Harry can't help but notice the sunlight reflecting on his skin. It's sort of a light golden brown with a peach undertone but there is a touch of olive tones too. For a man his age- whatever age that is- he has beautiful and smooth skin and it's tattoo free. He probably takes really good care of his skin. And it's nice that he does because Harry doesn't really do that. He's just lucky that he isn't a victim of bad acne.


"Olive skin..."

Zayn raises his brow. "What?"

Harry scrambles to correct himself. "Olive skin. The skin... on the olives."

"The Epicarp? What about it?"

"It... the what?"

"The Epicarp is what you call the skin of the olive."


"What about the olive skin?"

Harry shakes his head. "Nothing. It's just smooth, right?"

"Right... so how do you want to do the taste testing? Organic first or second?"

Bullet dodged.

"I was thinking sort of like last time. But different. I'll close my eyes like before but you choose it in any random order."

"Interesting that you want to close your eyes this time. What's the matter? You don't trust yourself?"

"Yes. I trust myself now that you've demonstrated how much it's all in my head. But it's still more fun that way. It's like a guessing game."

Zayn looks at him curiously before popping off the cap to the newer olive jar. "Okay, whatever suits you. I'll get toothpicks and poke one in each. Then I'll kind of feed them to you one by one in any order."


Harry closes his eyes and listens as Zayn gets the olives.

"Open your mouth."

"Wait I didn't check. Are there seeds?"

"No. Both are pitted."


"Open your mouth."

Harry does and when he feels the olive on his tongue, he takes the toothpick and finishes feeding himself. "Mmm delicious. Olives have always had such a unique taste to me."

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