9: 🥦 Stalker

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"Thanks for signing my book. Can I have a picture with you, Mr. Malik?"

"Of course you can." Zayn says and he happily stands up from the table he's sitting at while a young woman hands her mother her phone and makes her way beside him.

"The camera is already up. Take more than one in case I blink."

"Sure. Everybody smile."

Zayn and the young woman flash a big smile until the woman's mother holds her thumb up to signal the picture has been taken.

"We're good. Thanks, Mr. Malik."

"Of course. Enjoy the book."

As they walk away, he sits back down again.

"Tired yet?" He hears. It's the voice of Niall who's been standing in the distance so as not to detract from Zayn.

"A little but this is still so fun. I cannot believe this book is getting so much attention. I'm flabbergasted."

"You better believe it because you worked hard on it and you deserve it. You're amazing."

"No you're amazing for booking this."

Zayn reaches out and pulls Niall down for the tightest hug. He appreciates his best friend so much. He doesn't know what he'd do without him in his life helping him through all this over the years.

"There you are, Zayn Malik."

Zayn stops hugging Niall when he hears the voice. And when he sees the person it belongs to is Harry, he looks confused. "Uh, what are you doing here?"

Harry doesn't answer but he does take a good look at Niall before looking at Zayn again. "Wow. Maybe you don't need my help after all."

Zayn clears his throat and makes his eyes bigger so Harry can understand not to go there.

"This is my best friend and manager. His name is Niall Horan. And he helps take care of the business side of things for my writing career."

"Oh... Niall Horan. Interesting."

"Yes. Nice to meet you..."

"Harry Styles."

They shake hands and Niall puts a hand on his chin. "Your first name is familiar. Seems like I've heard it somewhere before."

"Funny because Zayn and I talked about his books and his writing career and he never once mentioned you."



"Harry." Zayn calls in a warning voice.

"Listen. I am Zayn's best friend and right now to me, all I see is a kid. Yet here you are addressing him by his first name like you know him and I have no clue who you are. I don't have to be the one to tell you how odd that is."

"I'm not a kid. I'm twenty five. And Zayn and I have been seeing each other for the last month."

Harry is hoping an extreme reaction would tell him if Zayn is concealing just how close he and Niall is. But he doesn't have an extreme reaction at all.

"That's not true." Zayn simply corrects. "He's obviously joking."

"Are you ashamed." Niall says and he playfully elbows Zayn's side.

"No. I'm not ashamed because it's not true."

"Not true? Have we or have we not been seeing each other every Friday for the past month and a half?"

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