7: 🍓 Berry Disappointing

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"It's been a fun night

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"It's been a fun night." Joseph says.

He and Zayn are in his car. They're on their way to Zayn's house from the restuarant they've just eaten at. In fact, they've been seeing each other for four weeks and tonight's dinner has made date number four for them. There's something about Joseph that's unsually sweet. He's so amazing a kind. He's the ideal person Zayn wishes to have for himself.

"Yeah, it has. I'm starting to think I'm a big fan of stuffed lobster."

"Told you it's delicious." He reaches over and rubs Zayn's leg and right away electricity shoots through Zayn's entire body.

"So... um..."

"What?" He asks when Zayn suddenly stops.


But it isn't nothing. It's something.

"You're sure?"

"Yeah. I'm sure."

Actually, he's not sure.

Minutes later, they pull into Zayn's driveway and park with the engine still running.

"I had such a good time with you." Joseph says. "I like you a lot. Maybe I can start calling you more? I know when we first talked on the phone, you said that part of dating made you a little bit uncomfortable because you weren't used it."

"Yeah. But... with you I'm sure it'd be fine now."



Joseph smiles, then takes his chin so he can lean in and kiss Zayn. They kiss sweetly but Zayn kicks it up a notch when he touches tongues. He can't help it.

After the kiss, they stare at each other and Joseph looks as needy as Zayn feels. So Zayn finally blurts out the something.

"You wanna come in?"


"You don't have to. If I seem to be moving too fast, ignore me."

"No, no. I don't think you're moving too fast at all."

He pulls Zayn in for another kiss and this time it's him who is touching their tongues and Zayn knows then they're both going inside for the same reason.

They rush inside the house, and barely get the door closed and locked before Zayn's dragging Joseph upstairs to his bedroom.

"Wow. I've never been inside your place before. So this is how the author lives?"

"Yes. This is how he lives. You like it?"

"Not as much as I like you."

After Zayn gets Joseph's suitcoat off, he pulls him down on the bed then engages him in a kiss. Soon Joseph pulls away.

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